
  • 网络London Life
  1. 别墅和夫人在伦敦生活圈里是司空见惯的。

    The villa and the lady are familiar objects in London life .

  2. 然而,让人惊讶的是,这些五颜六色的雾霾却成了受人喜爱的伦敦生活一景。

    And yet it 's a surprise to discover how beloved a feature of London life these multicolored fogs became .

  3. MartinWicks是一位在英国伦敦生活工作的自由UNIX顾问。

    Martin Wicks is a freelance UNIX consultant living and working in London , England .

  4. 新片聘用了BBC喜剧《伦敦生活》和女性领衔主演的惊悚剧《杀死伊芙》的编剧沃勒-布里奇,以确保这个拥有57年历史的电影系列与时俱进。

    Waller-Bridge , who wrote the BBC comedy Fleabag and the female-led thriller Killing Eve , was recruited to ensure the 57-year-old franchise moved with the times .

  5. 在伦敦生活了八年的萨姆贝利(SamBailey)希望以一周2000英镑(合3100美元左右)的价格出租他在斯特拉福德的一套三卧室房子。

    Sam Bailey , who has lived in London for eight years , hopes to rent his three-bedroom house in Stratford for £ 2,000 , or about $ 3,100 , per week .

  6. 吉姆同他的妻子在伦敦生活的很愉快。

    Jim and his wife had a happy time in london .

  7. 他觉得在伦敦生活既不幸又无奈。

    Living in London he felt , was an unfortunate necessity .

  8. 她现在在伦敦生活和学习。

    She is living and going to school in London now .

  9. 适应良好对于伦敦生活的压力,巴拉克适应得很好。

    Ballack has adjusted well to the pressures of london .

  10. 他的来信生动地描写了他在伦敦生活的一幅美丽的画面。

    The letter painted a wonderful picture of his life in london .

  11. 你想留在伦敦生活么?

    And you want to stay here in London ?

  12. 这对伦敦生活圈来说是一个很好的目标。

    That 's a nice target for the Londonsphere .

  13. 伦敦生活的高费用正在耗尽我的积蓄。

    The high cost of living in London is eating into my savings .

  14. 我没想到我会在伦敦生活。

    I never thought I would live in London .

  15. 巴黎、里尔以及布鲁塞尔这样的城市已经加入了伦敦生活圈(Londonsphere)。

    Already cities such as Paris , Lille and Brussels are joining the Londonsphere .

  16. 天哪,在伦敦生活得怎么样?

    Gosh ! So , life in London ...

  17. 你会在伦敦生活下去吗?

    Could you ever live in london ?

  18. 住宿昂贵使很多中国留学生感到在伦敦生活困难。

    The high cost of accommodation makes life difficult for many Chinese students in London .

  19. 我习惯于在伦敦生活。

    I am sued to London .

  20. 如果我们还在伦敦生活的话,很有可能遭到轰炸。

    If we 'd still been in London , we 'd probably have been bombed out by now .

  21. 其次,菲比·沃勒-布里奇(《伦敦生活》、《杀死伊芙》)给剧本注入了活力。

    For another thing , Phoebe Waller-Bridge ( Fleabag , Killing Eve ) has spiced up the script .

  22. 我不知道是否盼望在伦敦生活,这儿的人们都像文米克一样平静地容忍犯罪。

    I was not sure whether I looked forward to living in London , where people like Wemmick accepted crime so calmly .

  23. 她一长到足够负担自己的生活的年纪,就自己去了伦敦生活,然后又到巴黎做了自由记者。

    As soon as she could , she made her way to London , then to Paris to work as a freelance journalist .

  24. 很明显是伦敦生活的孤独和困惑让这个学生走上了恐怖主义之路。

    It was apparently the loneliness and confusion of life in Britain that set this student on a path that led to terror .

  25. 她获得提名的小说是其首部英文小说,取材于她2002年赴伦敦生活后所写的日记。

    She based her prize-nominated book , her first in English , on the diary she wrote after moving to live in London in 2002 .

  26. 作为一名在伦敦生活,努力想要在工业浪潮中出人头地的青年,叶芝对自己的童年念念不忘,于是创作出了这首诗篇。

    As a young man living in London , trying to make a go of it amid the industrial throb , Yeats reached back to his youth and crafted the poem .

  27. 我在这个国家已惯常看到普遍的糟污与腐败的根源,伦敦生活能我惊讶的事也不多见。

    I have seen , habitually , some of the worst sources of general contamination and corruption in this country , and I think there are not many phases of London life that could surprise me .

  28. 我以前的中文老师叶琛(音)曾在伦敦生活了五年,并总在当地过节。

    My old Chinese teacher Yechen , who lived in London for five years and enjoyed the Christmas season there , told me last year he found it full of a spirituality that 's sorely lacking here .

  29. 西比尔的名字取自上世纪70年代的热门喜剧《弗尔蒂旅馆》中主人公巴兹尔•弗尔蒂妻子的名字。2007年6月阿利斯泰尔•达林出任布朗政府的财政大臣后,就将这只黑白相间的名猫带至伦敦生活。

    The black and white feline , named after Basil Fawlty 's wife in the hit 1970s comedy Fawlty Towers , was brought to London by Alistair Darling after he became Chancellor of the Exchequer in Brown 's government in June 2007 .

  30. 她在伦敦的生活平淡无奇,几乎有些枯燥。

    Her London life was sedate , almost mundane