
  • 网络libor;London interbank offered rate
  1. 不过,3个月的美元伦敦同业拆借利率(Libor)上升0.14百分点,至3.2%。

    However , three-month dollar Libor rose 0.14 percentage points to 3.2 per cent .

  2. 美元隔夜同行拆借利率大幅下跌,在上午确定利率时间,美元的伦敦同业拆借利率(libor)下跌1.19百分点,至3.8%,仍高于美元基准利率。

    Overnight interbank dollar rates dropped sharply , with London-based dollar LIBOR down 1.19 percentage points to 3.8 per cent at the mid-morning fixing , which is still high above US policy rates .

  3. 上上周,英国监管机构建议,设定伦敦同业拆借利率(LondonInterbankOfferedRates)的过程应有更多银行参与。

    UK regulators last week recommended that even more banks get involved in the process of setting the London Interbank Offered rates .

  4. 货币市场的美元利率昨日大幅上扬,因外界普遍猜测,作为全球借贷成本基准的伦敦同业拆借利率(libor)的计算方式或将发生变更。

    Interest rates in dollar money markets rose sharply yesterday amid a welter of speculation over changes to the calculation of LIBOR , the benchmark for global borrowing costs .

  5. 通过旨在降低伦敦同业拆借利率(Libor)利差等短期市场利率的工具,美联储已经迈出了这一步,现在已开始通过购买抵押贷款支持证券影响长期抵押贷款利率。

    The Fed has already crossed that bridge with facilities that are aimed at reducing short-term market rates , such as Libor spreads ; it has now moved to influence long-term mortgage rates by buying MBSs .

  6. 在上一次收紧周期中,第一次加息直到2004年6月才出现,但伦敦同业拆借利率在整整两个月前就开始走高,他说。

    In the last tightening cycle , the first rate hike did not occur until June 2004 but Libor began moving higher two full months earlier , he said .

  7. 利率也由原来的优惠利率加2个百分点调整到伦敦同业拆借利率加0.875个百分点。他刚默祷完,就看见利百加肩上扛着水罐走出来。

    Original interest rates have been adjusted down from Prime plus two per cent to LIBOR plus zero point eight seven five per cent . Before he had finished praying silently he saw Rebecca coming out with her water - jug on her shoulder .

  8. 它的利率一般是和30天的伦敦银行同业拆借利率(Londoninterbankofferedrate,简称Libor)相关联的。

    The rate is typically tied to the 30-day London interbank offered rate .

  9. 该项调查涉及libor,即伦敦银行同业拆借利率。

    The probe relates to LIBOR , the London inter-bank offered rate .

  10. 作为基准的3月期伦敦银行同业拆借利率(LIBOR)上升26.5个基点,至3.476%。

    The benchmark three-month London Interbank Offered Rate jumped 26.5 basis points to 3.476 per cent .

  11. 这个网站上关于伦敦银行同业拆借利率(Libor)和巴克莱(Barclays)的最新爆料让人哭笑不得,却又担心不已。

    A husband and wife team who have launched a website critical of Wall Street practices have uncovered an ironic , and troubling , tidbit about LIBOR and Barclays .

  12. 如果你想得到体现银行业本性的证据,那就看看巴克莱(barclays)在提供用于计算伦敦银行同业拆借利率(libor)的信息时是如何滥用公众信任的。

    If you want confirmation of the nature of banking , look at how Barclays abused public trust when providing information used in calculating the London Interbank Offered Rate .

  13. 与此同时,货币市场关键部分的借款利率跌至创纪录低点,3月期美元伦敦银行同业拆借利率(Libor)跌破1%。

    Meanwhile , borrowing costs in a key part of the money markets reached record lows as the three-month dollar Libor rate fell below 1 per cent .

  14. 最近花旗表示,已经收到了来自美国和其他外国监管机构关于伦敦银行同业拆借利率(LIBOR)的质询;很多人都认为这一关键借贷利率曾被大银行操纵。

    Citi recently said that it has received inquiries from us and foreign regulators relating to the key lending rate LIBOR , which many contend was manipulated by giant banks .

  15. 在衡量金融危机的指标中,很难找出比伦敦银行同业拆借利率(Libor)更重要的了。

    As a barometer of the financial crisis , it 's been hard to beat Libor , the London interbank offered rate for borrowing short-term funds in the banking system .

  16. 巴克莱已经同意缴纳4.5亿美元罚款,公司被指控在2005到2009年间参与了操纵伦敦银行同业拆借利率(Londoninterbankofferedrate,Libor)。

    Barclays has agreed to pay $ 450 million to settle charges that , between 2005 and 2009 , it was involved in manipulating the London Interbank Offered Rate benchmark , or LIBOR , the interest rate banks use to borrow from one another .

  17. 北美、欧洲以及日本的监管机构近期在调查,美欧大型银行的交易员是否串通影响伦敦银行同业拆借利率(libor)及其他基准贷款利率。

    Regulators in North America , Europe and Japan have been investigating whether traders at big US and European banks colluded to influence the London Interbank Offered Rate , or LIBOR , and other benchmark lending rates .

  18. 两位消息人士说,对伦敦银行同业拆借利率(Libor)操纵丑闻的调查,促使苏格兰皇家银行在去年某个时候禁止了非监控聊天室的使用。交易员曾利用此类聊天室与竞争对手讨论市场话题。

    Investigations into the Libor interbank lending rate manipulation scandal prompted RBS sometime last year to ban unmonitored chat rooms where traders used to discuss market topics with rivals , two people familiar with those measures said .

  19. 现在若想将欧元交换成美元,投资者必须支付高于伦敦银行同业拆借利率(libor)的溢价,这一现象是2008年底以来首次出现,标志着市场内压力日益增加。

    An investor wanting to swap euros into dollars now has to pay a premium above London Interbank Offered rates ( LIBOR ) for the first time since the end of 2008 in a sign of the increasing strains in the market .

  20. 你可以在伦敦银行同业拆借利率和外汇操控丑闻中看到这种现象。

    You could see this in the Libor and foreign exchange scandals .

  21. 伦敦银行同业拆借利率

    London interbank offered rate , LIBOR

  22. 伦敦银行同业拆借利率达到6.7975%,远大于英格兰银行的5.75%的基础利率;

    The so-called Libor rate is6.7975 % , way above the Bank of England's5.75 % base rate ;

  23. 欧元伦敦银行同业拆借利率确实存在,但这要追溯到前欧洲货币联盟时代出于连续性目的而进行的互换。

    A Euro LIBOR does exist , but mainly for continuity purposes in swap contracts dating back to pre-EMU times .

  24. 这些前所未有措施开始显现一些效果:银行间拆借恢复,伦敦银行同业拆借利率有所改善。

    These unprecedented measures began to have some effect : interbank lending resumed and the London Interbank Offered Rate ( LIBOR ) improved .

  25. 3个月期美元伦敦银行同业拆借利率创8周以来最大跌幅,下跌2.9个基点,至0.85%的创纪录新低。

    The three-month London dollar interbank offered rate fell 2.9 basis points , the most in eight weeks , to a fresh record low of 0.85 per cent .

  26. 操纵伦敦银行同业拆借利率以及近期一系列针对金融企业的指控再次提出这样一个问题:华尔街的文化是不是已经烂到骨子里了。

    LIBOR fixing and a spate of other recent cases against financial firms have once again raised the question of whether the culture of Wall Street is corrupt .

  27. 作为衡量银行相互间放贷意愿的指标,伦敦银行同业拆借利率与隔夜指数互换之间的息差收窄至66个基点,为去年6月以来的最低水平。

    The spread between LIBOR and overnight index swaps , an indicator of the willingness of banks to lend to each other , narrowed to 66bp , the lowest since last June .

  28. 瑞士监管机构已经责令瑞银在上一个季度提高诉讼拨备,尽管它已经就自身在伦敦银行同业拆借利率案中的相关法律责任达成了和解,并承诺支付约15亿美元的和解费。

    Swiss regulators actually ordered UBS ( UBS ) to add to its litigation reserves last quarter even though it had already settled its LIBOR legal woes , promising to pay some $ 1.5 billion for its role in the worldwide scheme .

  29. 伦敦银行间同业拆借利率(LondonInterbankOfferedRate,简称Libor)引发的利率操纵丑闻成为了近期各大媒体的报道焦点,新闻标题大多含有“调查”和“改革”等字眼。

    Investigations and talk of reform are dominating the headlines about the rate-fixing scandal tied to the London Interbank Offered Rate , or LIBOR .

  30. 因此出现了如下情况,衡量无担保贷款利率的伦敦银行间同业拆借利率(libor),成为了主要的贷款基准利率。

    Hence the fact that LIBOR , which measures unsecured lending rates , became the main benchmark for loans .