
  1. 但美国议员们对中国收购方比较敏感,最近的例子是双汇国际(ShuanghuiInternational)以47亿美元收购猪肉生产商史密斯菲尔德食品公司(SmithfieldFoods)的交易。

    But lawmakers are more sensitive to Chinese takeovers , most recently in the sale of pork producer Smithfield Foods to Shuanghui International for $ 4.7bn .

  2. 今年,中国的双汇国际控股有限公司(ShuanghuiInternationalHoldingsLtd.)以47亿美元收购美国的猪肉加工商SmithfieldFoodsInc.,原因之一就是要获取新的技术和安全操作。

    Acquiring new technology and safety practices was a reason for this year 's $ 4.7 billion takeover of U.S. - based pork processor Smithfield Foods Inc. by China 's Shuanghui International Holdings Ltd.

  3. 今年,孙玮的中国投行团队为双汇国际(ShuanghuiInternational)以71亿美元成功收购美国最大猪肉制造商史密斯菲尔德食品公司(SmithfieldFoods)提供了咨询。这是中国集团对美国公司完成的规模最大的一宗收购案。

    This year , Christianson 's China investment banking team advised Shuanghui International on its successful $ 7.1bn takeover of Smithfield Foods , America 's largest pork producer , the largest US acquisition by a Chinese group .

  4. 此次收购要约的金额远远超出了最为接近的类似并购案,即中国企业双汇国际控股有限公司在2013年以47亿美元收购美国猪肉生产商史密斯菲尔德(Smithfield)的金额。

    The bid would dwarf the price of the closest such deal , the $ 4.7 billion paid by Shuanghui International Holdings of China to take over the American pork producer Smithfield Foods in 2013 .