
  1. 他决定把这首诗谱成歌曲。

    He decided to set the poem to music .

  2. 舒伯特把歌德的一些抒情诗谱成了歌曲。

    Schubert set some of Goethe 's lyrics to music .

  3. 这位年轻的作曲家将这首诗谱了曲。

    The young composer set the poem to music .

  4. 《毛诗谱》主要内容介绍。

    The second part mainly focuses on introducing the content of Mao Shi Pu .

  5. 舒伯特为歌德的许多诗谱了曲。

    Schubert set many of Goethe 's poems .

  6. 音乐家把一首诗谱入乐曲。

    The musician set a poem to music .

  7. 这首诗被谱了曲。

    The poem has been set to music .

  8. “这首诗已经谱过曲了吗?”“是的,已经配上一支老的劳动歌曲的调子。”

    " Has the poem ever been set to music ?"" yes , it was set to an old working song tune . "

  9. 这首诗曾经被谱过曲吗?

    Has the poem ever been set to music ?