
qí wěi
  • great and wonderful;peculiar and grand
奇伟 [qí wěi]
  • [singular and majestic] 奇特怪异;奇特壮美

  • 奇伟的雪峰

  • [singular and grand] 奇特雄伟

  • 奇伟瑰怪。--宋. 王安石《游褒禅山记》

  1. 我坐在切普赛街圣玛丽勒波教堂(StMary-le-Bow)外面的一个凳子上,一位男子蹲在我脚边,用奇伟(Kiwi)鞋油、擦鞋布和鞋刷忙碌起来。

    I sat on a stool outside St Mary-le-Bow on Cheapside and a man crouched at my feet and got busy with the Kiwi polish , rags and brushes .

  2. 你永远无法再一次于此时感受地球所有的奇伟。

    You will never experience the earth with all its wonders in this time again .

  3. 奇伟瑰丽冰川旅游

    Adventure Tour to Glacier

  4. 它不仅具有华山的险峻奇伟,更体现了江南山水的秀丽细腻。

    It not only has the steep cliff sach as Huashan , but also reflected the delicate beauty of the southeast .

  5. 莲花峰奇伟秀丽,雄峙在黄山之颠。沿河有一条风景秀丽的散步小径。

    Lotus Peak is peculiar and beautiful , sitting high at the top of Mount Huangshan . There is a beautiful walk along the river .

  6. 在构筑意象言词上的倾向性选择,对表现意象有强烈的象征意味和自比意识,形成其诗歌意象色彩丰富,或孤凄、悲寒,或幽淡、宁静,或奇伟非常,或神通广大;

    He constructed his words of imagery with a tendentious choice , which made his images be imbued with strong symbolic meanings , self-contrast awareness and colourful richness .