
  1. 所谓方笔即起笔时呈现折刀头状,棱角分明,是楷书书写的一种起笔方法。

    The so-called square pen presents jackknife head-like started to write when , angular , regular script writing started to write method .

  2. 宿命,在方方笔下表现为一股神秘的力量,她形象地描绘出在宿命之手操纵下代际轮回的宿命悲剧,发出一声声宿命的叹息。

    In her writing , fatalism was a kind of mysterious strength in which Fang Fang described vividly the tragedy ruled by fatalism , and sent out the sigh of fatalism .

  3. 隧道照明费用已经成为高速公路运营方的一笔巨大的负担。

    The cost of the lighting system has been a great burden of the operation department of the highway .

  4. 另外,还有一种可能是,卫星运营方支付一笔押金,这笔押金在过期卫星被移至更安全轨道后返还。

    Another possibility is that satellite operators would put down a deposit , to be refunded once the obsolete satellite had been pushed into a safer orbit .

  5. 苏格兰皇家银行已指定lazard公司寻找潜在的出价方并处理此笔交易。

    RBS has appointed Lazard to seek potential bidders and manage the sale .

  6. 他们拒绝了资方提出的那笔一揽子交易。

    They rejected the package deal put forward by the management .

  7. 既然如此,我就接受你方还盘以做成笔买卖。

    In this case , I accept your counter - offer in order to get the business .

  8. 同时,在表达这一生命理解时,作家方方对她笔下的文本世界的思想态度和情感取向使小说叙事形成一种张力。

    Moreover , the author 's attitude to the persons and their actions and thinking in her stories came into a kind of narrating tension .

  9. 请寄给我们有关你方英雄牌自来水笔和圆球笔的资料,以便我们向顾客介绍你们的产品。

    709 Please send us all the data concerning your Hero Brand fountain pens and ball pens , so we can introduce your products to our customers .

  10. 是经纪商对买卖交易收取的费用。也叫作经纪费。既然如此,我就接受你方还盘以做成笔买卖。

    A fee charged by a broker for executing a transaction . Also referred to as brokerage fee . In this case , I accept your counter - offer in order to get the business .