
fánɡ nú
  • house slave;mortgage slave
  1. 在房奴时代,住房难题当之无愧地成为政府与百姓共同关注的最主要的热点问题。

    In the " house slave era ", the housing problem deserved to be a hot issue that the government and the people both concern .

  2. 你的意思是说,他仅仅是一个房奴?

    Do you mean that he is just a mortgage slave ?

  3. 这些长期的债务人兼房奴将很可能永远无法完全拥有这个房子,因为炫耀性消费需要周期性的再融资来提供资金,也因为房产税的存在。

    These perpetual debtors / serfs will probably never own the home outright1 , thanks to cyclical refinancing ( used to fund conspicuous2 consumption ) and property taxes .

  4. 正在中国走红的电视连续剧《蜗居》(DwellingNarrowness)描写了姐妹两人在繁华的大都市上海经受的各种困难,将镜头对准了大城市中不那么光鲜的房奴的一面:房价的上涨、以及由此给年轻人的理想造成的巨大打击。

    Dwelling Narrowness , ' a hit TV series about the struggles of two sisters to make it in the dynamic metropolis of Shanghai , focuses on a decidedly less glamorous aspect of in the big city : rising property prices , and they havoc this wreaks on youthful ambitions .

  5. 中国城市居民对于成为房奴怨声冲天。

    Urban Chinese complain loudly about becoming mortgage slaves .

  6. 他把自己描述为他的公寓的房奴和他的汽车的车奴。

    He described himself as a mortgage slave to his apartment and car .

  7. 现阶段,青年人当中的房奴现象越来越严重。

    This stage , the phenomenon of house slaves among young people is serious more and more .

  8. 租房优于买房,因为租房不会让你沦为房奴。

    Renting , which doesn 't tie you down to one place , is better than buying .

  9. 越来越多的人都在为买房而忙碌,简单来说他们都是房奴。

    More and more people is busy for buying a house , they are slaves of house in simpler words .

  10. 在举行那次会议几周前,官方还禁播了一部探讨城市“房奴”生活的人气肥皂剧。

    Weeks earlier , the authorities had shut down a popular soap opera that explored the lives of urban " wage slaves " struggling to pay their mortgage .

  11. 在中国,房奴是个新词,指那些因房价飞涨而吧绝大部分工资用于偿还银行购房贷款的人。

    The housing slave is s new expression in China , referring to people who use most of their salary to repay bank loans due to soaring housing prices .

  12. 在不久前中国门户网站的一次调查中,在15000名投票者中有60%以上的人认同这部电视剧反映了房奴的心态的说法。

    In a recent ( unscientific ) survey by Chinese Web portal , more than 60 % of 15,000 voters agreed with the statement that the drama reflects the public 's sentiment on house slaves .

  13. 许多人说,上海房价的上涨是故事情节中悲剧性事件的根源,“房奴”一词已描写海萍这类人的常用词。

    Many argue that Shanghai 's rising property prices are at the root of the tragic events in the storyline , and the term'house slaves'has become a popular slang term to describe people like Haiping .

  14. 剧集衍生了一系列热词,包括了“房奴”——为买房而负债的人们;以及“小三”——第三者,尤指插足婚姻的年轻女性。

    Its subject matter concerns " House Slaves , " people enslavedto their mortgagesthe " Little Third , " the " other woman , " and in this case the typically much younger woman in an extramaritalaffair ;

  15. 而正因为大家的焦虑情绪,“房奴”(房子的奴隶)、“车奴”(车子的奴隶)和“孩奴”(孩子的奴隶)等新词不断出现,极大地丰富了现代汉语词汇。

    Because of their anxiety , the words such as " Fangnu "( Slave to house )," Chenu "( Slave to car ) and " Hainu "( Slave to children ) are continuing to enrich modern Chinese vocabularies .

  16. 有“房奴”(同时也是贷款奴),也有“婚奴”(当然,也是贷款奴),而且,中国的广大父母理所当然都是“孩奴”(独生子女的奴隶)。

    There are the fang nu ( mortgage slaves ) and hun nu ( marriage slaves , who are also , by definition , mortgage slaves ) and all Chinese parents are of course haizi nu ( slaves to the only child ) .