
  1. 西安地裂缝影响带房屋安全鉴定初探

    Building Safety Appraisal of Ground Fissures Effecting Zone in Xi'an

  2. 多次地震应急救灾的实践证明,在地震应急期间,地震现场快速、及时、高效的做好受震房屋安全鉴定工作,是妥善安置灾民、维持现场稳定、科学有序救灾的一条有效途径。

    Practice of many times Earthquake emergency shows that making safety assessment of seismic building architecture quickly , timely , efficiently at post-earthquake is an effective way to properly arrange disastered person , maintain site stable and scientific orderly disaster relief during earthquake emergence .

  3. 九江&瑞昌5.7级地震现场房屋安全性鉴定工作的探讨

    Some Discussions on the Building Safety Assessment after the Jiujiang-Ruichang Ms 5.7 Earthquake

  4. 期望对规范我国房屋建筑安全鉴定提供借鉴,并为此类鉴定标准后续修订中需注意的问题和城市防减灾的研究提供一些思路和帮助。

    The purpose of this paper is to promote buildings safety identification in our country , and provides some ideas to revise the standards and the research in urban prevention and reduction of disaster .

  5. 加层房屋的抗震安全鉴定

    Seismic safety appraisal of buildings with increased stories

  6. 哪些房屋需作安全鉴定?

    What building requires safe identification ?

  7. 阐述3幢加层房屋的抗震安全鉴定依据和方法,以及不同的加层加固措施和不同的鉴定结论。

    Basis , method and results of seismic safety appraisal for 3 buildings with increased sto - ries and their different strengthening countermeasures are expounded .

  8. 本文通过结构安全性鉴定全过程的介绍,对砌体结构房屋结构安全性鉴定时应注意的问题进行了探讨。

    This paper approached the problems that should be pay attention in appraisal of structure safety of masonry house through introducing the whole process of structure safety appraisal .

  9. 本文利用模糊综合评判原理研究了多层砌体房屋地震现场安全性鉴定方法,并以此为基础研制了多层砌体房屋地震现场安全性鉴定子系统。

    This paper studies the safety assessment method of multi-story masonry building in post-earthquake field by the principle of fuzzy synthetic evaluation , and develops the safety assessment sub-system of multi-story masonry building in post-earthquake field .