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  1. 自打夏季以来,房产买卖一直在滑坡。

    The housing sales have been turning down since the summer .

  2. 物权登记对债权的妨碍及其补救&以房产买卖和抵押为例

    Hindrance of Register of the Property Right to Creditor ` s Right and its Remediation

  3. 古巴比伦时期,房产买卖开始活跃起来,房屋及房基地的买卖成为普通人的商业活动。

    In old Babylon dynasty , the house-sale became flourishing and formed the perfect contracts .

  4. 违约是业主的“错”如何提防房产买卖“霸王条款”?

    Owners default is " wrong " and how to guard against property " despot " clauses ?

  5. 但销售数据与2010年5月时比起来算是比较可喜的了,那个月正逢政府打压房产买卖投资的几个星期后,销售形势出奇地滞慢。

    But the sales figures were flattered by comparison with May 2010 , an unusually slow month following a government clampdown on speculative homebuying a few weeks before .

  6. 第十四条房产买卖必须按照本规定第十一条由双方当事人签订房产买卖合同。

    Article 14 In purchasing and selling building property , a building property purchase and sale contract must be signed by the two parties in accordance with Article 11 of these Provisions .

  7. 当一位投资者怀疑的向代理人咨询其地皮为何在沼泽之上时,代理人解释道,“这里的房产只是为了买卖,不是为了拥有。”

    When one skeptical investor asked the agent to show him the land , which was under a swamp , the agent explained ," This real estate is for trading , not for owning . "

  8. 冷静期:在私下购买房产期间,给与买卖双方改变想法的时间。

    Cooling-off Period : A period of time either the buyer or seller has to change their mind in a private sale .

  9. 第十一条房产预售(预购)必须签订房产买卖合同。

    Article 11 In selling ( purchasing ) building property in advance , a building property purchase and sale contract must be signed .

  10. 房产共有人对一致同意的共有房产的买卖、交换负有连带责任。

    The joint owners of the building property shall be jointly and severally liable for the purchase and sale or exchange of the jointly owned building property to which they unanimously agreed .

  11. 书面协议无法成立时,房产共有人得将属于自己份额的房产进行买卖、交换。

    When a written agreement cannot be reached , a joint owner should proceed with the purchase and sale or exchange of his ( its ) own portion of the building property .