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  • 网络Cornus;aralia;aralia l
  1. 木属种质资源利用现状及展望

    Prospect and the present situation of economic utilization of Cornus genus germplasm

  2. 差热分析法用于楤木属药材的鉴别

    Identification of Medicinal Materials from Genus Aralia with Differential Thermal Analysis

  3. 角果木属有两个种:C.计算表明,两种情况所得的结果有明显的差异。

    Computation reveals that the results from the two cases are obviously different .

  4. 报道无患子科(Sapindaceae)3个单种属植物的染色体数目,其中掌叶木属和茶条木属为首次报道。

    The chromosome numbers of 3 monotypic genera in Sapindaceae are reported .

  5. 经耐腐性试验测定,用TWP处理的橡胶木属耐腐级,但野外耐腐性较差。

    The durability of the treated wood was raised to durable grade , but the decay resistance was relative poor in field .

  6. 河南禹县山西组中鳞木属(Lepidodendron)的两个新种

    Two new species of Lepidodendron from Shanxi formation , Yu County , Henan

  7. 辽东楤木[Araliaelata(Miq.)Seem.]是一种食药兼用型的五加科楤木属植物,富含三萜皂苷,药用价值高。

    Aralia elata ( Miq . ) Seem is a kind of Araliaceae Aralia plant used as medicine as well as food , which is rich in triterpenoid aralosides , with high medicinal value .

  8. 中国紫草科破布木属花粉形态和外壁超微结构

    Pollen Morphology and Exine Ultrastructure of Genus Cordia in Boraginaceae in China

  9. 吉林省接骨木属种子形态的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on the Seed Morphology of Sambucus in Jilin Province

  10. 楤木属植物化学成份及药理活性研究进展

    Research Progress in the Chemical Constituents and Pharmacological Actions of Aralia Species

  11. 甘肃省楤木属植物资源调查

    Investigation on resources of Aralia ssp in Gansu Province

  12. 萝芙木属植物吲哚生物碱成分研究进展

    Research Advance on Indole Alkaloids from Plants of Rauvolfia

  13. 悬铃木属植物果皮毛性状及其对小鼠肺部的致炎作用

    The fruit fur characters of Platanus and its injury function on mice pulmonary

  14. 各种柏树的木料,尤指柏木属柏树。

    Wood of any of various cypress trees especially of the genus Cupressus .

  15. 一个常绿灌木或小乔木属,产于中美南美和亚洲。

    Evergreen shrubs and small trees of North and Central America and Asia .

  16. 裸果木属国家一级重点保护野生植物,具有重要的科研价值。

    Gymnocarpos przewalskii was the first national protection species , it had important research value .

  17. 楤木属植物的形态组织学研究

    Morphological and Histological Studies on Aralia Plants

  18. 相关属的叶表皮微形态特征与粗叶木属植物较为相似。

    The leaf epidermal morphology of the related genera in Rubiaceae is similar to Lasianthus .

  19. 一个落叶性灌木或小乔木属,产于地中海东部地区和热带亚洲。

    Genus of deciduous shrubs or small trees of eastern Mediterranean regions and tropical Asia .

  20. 一种加勒比海地区多刺的灌木丛和小乔木属;木材硬,十分耐用。

    Genus of prickly shrubs and small trees of the Caribbean region ; source of a durable hardwood .

  21. 一个常绿或落叶性灌木或小乔木属,产于美国至安第列斯群岛和东亚至喜马拉雅山脉。

    Evergreen or deciduous shrubs or small trees of United States to Antilles and eastern Asia to the Himalaya .

  22. 一个灌木或小乔木属,雌雄同体,长坚果;榛子;有时归入榛科或榛亚科。

    Deciduous monoecious nut-bearing shrubs of small trees : hazel ; sometimes placed in the subfamily or family Corylaceae .

  23. 热带美洲和亚洲的一个灌木和小乔木属,果实为圆柱形,由几个扭曲的果瓣组成。

    Genus of shrubs and small trees of tropical America and Asia having cylindrical fruits spirally twisted around one another .

  24. 葱木属的任何一种植物;芳香,具复叶,花呈小型伞状花序。

    Any of various plants of the genus Aralia ; often aromatic plants having compound leaves and small umbellate flowers .

  25. 粗叶木属的花粉单粒中等大小,绝大多数为圆球形。

    The pollen grains are small to medium in size and spheroidal or subprolate in shape , and few are prolate .

  26. 菊科松果菊属三种药用植物花粉的形态研究属于帚菊木属的任何一种植物。

    Studies on the Pollen Morphology of Three Species of Echinacea Moench . any of various plants of the genus Mutisia .

  27. 目的:研究木忽木属植物花粉及叶片显微形态特征。方法:扫描电镜观察。

    Objective : Palynological and microscopical studies on pollens and leaves of11 Aralia spp * Methods : An observation under scanning electron microscope .

  28. 楤木属的模式属;灌木和树林和藤蔓大的广泛分布的属;甘松;大力士球棒。

    Type genus of Araliaceae ; large widely distributed genus of shrubs and trees and vines : spikenard ; Hercules ' - club .

  29. 接骨木一种接骨木属的灌木或小树,开大团小白花,结红色或黑紫色类似浆果的果实。

    Any of various shrubs or small trees of the genus sambucus , having clusters of small white flowers and red or purplish-black berrylike fruit .

  30. 任何属于萝芙木属的灌木或小树,有轮生体的叶子和聚伞花序的花;产生的物质用在医药上,特别是催吐剂和泻剂。

    Any shrub or small tree of the genus Rauwolfia having leaves in whorls and cymose flowers ; yield substances used medicinally especially as emetics or purgatives .