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rén wéi
  • artificial;man-made;do (make) by person
人为 [rén wéi]
  • (1) [man-made;artificial]∶人造成

  • 一种人为的装饰品

  • (2) [do (make) by person]∶人去干、做

  • 事在人为

人为[rén wéi]
  1. 他不想靠人为方式延长生命。

    He did not want his life to be prolonged by artificial means .

  2. 人为的语言缺乏生命力。

    An artificial language has no vitality .

  3. 有的人为一己之利而干出的事令人惊讶。

    It 's amazing what some people will do for gain .

  4. 多数问题都是人为错误造成的。

    Most of the problems were due to human error .

  5. 人为的失误可能是一个起作用的因素。

    Human error may have been a contributing factor .

  6. 老一辈人为发展经济作出了重要贡献。

    Older people are important contributors to the economy .

  7. 报告披露这次事故是人为原因造成的。

    The report discloses that human error was to blame for the accident .

  8. 他以伤害他人为乐。

    He gets his kicks from hurting other people .

  9. 延误是人为错误造成的。

    The delay was due to human error .

  10. 当政府最终垮台之日,将不会有人为它的消亡而悲哀。

    When the government is finally brought down , no one will mourn its passing .

  11. 我们必须考虑到人为的失误。

    We must allow for human error .

  12. 想让她那样有经验的人为这点钱工作真是荒唐。

    It 's grotesque to expect a person of her experience to work for so little money .

  13. 其中一位新闻记者询问是否有人为破坏的可能性。

    One of the journalists queried whether sabotage could have been involved .

  14. 许多人为防失业都干两份工作。

    Many people took second jobs as a safeguard against unemployment

  15. 他决定为在澳大利亚西部人为导致荒芜的土地上重新造林做点事情。

    He decided to do something about reforesting man-made wastes of western Australia .

  16. 请附上汇款,支票收款人为泰晤士河谷科技公司。

    Please enclose your remittance , making cheques payable to Thames Valley Technology .

  17. 据说有几百人为躲避逮捕而藏了起来。

    Hundreds of people are said to have gone into hiding to avoid arrest

  18. 一些人为自己的姓名和地址是如何被泄露出去的感到不安。

    Some people feel queasy about how their names and addresses have been obtained .

  19. 有足够的钱,似乎很难见到有人为花费而烦心。

    Money was plentiful , and rarely did anyone seem very bothered about levels of expenditure

  20. 印刷机赋予少数人为多数人改变世界的力量。

    The printing press gave power to a few to change the world for the many

  21. 你应当格外小心,别与克雷弗克这样的人为敌。

    You want to be very careful not to have a man like Crevecoeur for an enemy

  22. 你需要有人为你分担压力,帮你恢复元气。

    You need someone to take the pressure off and help you get back on your feet

  23. 像抢椅子游戏,有能力的人为挣更多的钱而不断跳槽。

    It was musical chairs . Creative people would switch jobs just to get more money .

  24. 他们一直人为地使糖的价格居高不下,以此为公司牟利。

    They have kept the price of sugar artificially high and so fattened the company 's profits .

  25. 老法官不希望没有人为被告辩护。

    The old judge doesn 't like the thought of no one going in to bat for the accused .

  26. 这一事故是人为错误造成的。

    The accident was caused by human error .

  27. 我不想与天下人为敌。

    I don 't want to make enemies with the world .

  28. 评先进要实事求是,不要人为地拔高。

    People should be nominated for award based on real and not inflated merit .

  29. 未来的人类学不会以原始人为主要的研究对象。

    The Anthropology of the future will not be concerned above all else with primitives .

  30. 这些困难完全是人为的。

    These difficulties are purely man-made .