  • hole;opening;aperture;cavity;hollow;gab
  • 小洞,窟窿:~穴。~眼。~洞。~方兄(指钱,因旧时的铜钱有方形的孔,恢谐含鄙意)。

  • 很:~急。~武有力。

  • 量词,用于窑洞:一~土窑。

  • 姓。


(洞; 窟窿; 眼儿) hole; opening; aperture:

  • 鼻孔


  • 打孔

    punch a hole;

  • 钥匙孔


  • 仅有的光亮来自一个小孔。

    The only light came through a narrow aperture.

  • 这座桥有17个孔。

    The bridge has 17 arches.


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 孔丘

    Kong Qiu



  • 一孔土窑

    a cave-dwelling

  1. 光线透过窗帘上的一个孔照射进来。

    Light beamed through a hole in the curtain .

  2. 他把手指插入孔中。

    He poked his finger into the hole .

  3. 机器在金属薄板上冲出一排孔。

    The machine punches a row of holes in the metal sheet .

  4. 在构架上钻一串孔。

    Drill a series of holes in the frame .

  5. 他往投币孔里投了一枚硬币,然后拨了电话。

    He dropped a coin into the slot and dialed .

  6. 沿着纸孔撕下表格,寄给销售部。

    Tear off the form along the perforations and send it to Sales

  7. 他用大头针在箔纸上戳一些孔。

    He pricks holes in the foil with a pin .

  8. 我向付费电话的投币孔里投了一枚25分硬币。

    I dropped a quarter into the slot of the pay phone .

  9. 天花板上有个小小的通风孔。

    There was a small air vent in the ceiling .

  10. 一种叫做套管针的工具在腹壁上刺了一个孔。

    An instrument called a trocar makes a puncture in the abdominal wall .

  11. 他在莉莉卧室的墙上钻了个孔。

    He drilled into the wall of Lili 's bedroom

  12. 用打孔器打两个孔。

    Make two holes with a hole punch .

  13. 做这个活儿要拿个特殊的钻头来钻个大小合适的孔。

    Get the special drill bit to bore the correct-size hole for the job .

  14. 我钻了5个等间距的孔。

    I drilled five holes at equal distance .

  15. 联合国眼下还在努力摆出一副中立的假面孔。

    The UN at the moment is still trying to maintain the charade of neutrality .

  16. 这真是墨菲法则:一用备用轮胎,保准扎孔。

    This was sod 's law : when the spare tyre is in use , you will have a puncture .

  17. 水从桶的孔里流出来。

    The water drained out of the hole in the pail .

  18. 这座桥有17个孔。

    The bridge has 17 arches .

  19. 我需用钻在杆上钻个孔。

    I need a drill to make a hole for the rod .

  20. 次生木质部由孔纹导管、薄壁组织及射线所组成。

    Secondary xylem consists of pitted vessels , parenchyma fibers and rays .

  21. 他买了块中心有孔的薄金属板。

    He bought a thin metal plate with a hole at the centre .

  22. 猫眼光栏的方形光孔成像太大。

    The quadratic aperture of the cat 's-eye diaphragm is imaged too large .

  23. 但看看孔严的身世,他的生前凄凄惶惶的形状,又让我们文人感到了一份心酸。

    But it saddens our hearts when we look at his mournful life right from his birth .

  24. 因为玻璃处于压缩状态,玻璃不能明显地延伸到超过座孔的端面。

    Since the glass is in compression , it cannot extend appreciably beyond the ends of the eyelet .

  25. 打倒孔家店!

    Down with Confucius and sons !( a popular slogan among intellectuals during the May4th movement , 1919 )

  26. 铰孔或攻丝时,不要用力过猛,以免折断铰刀或丝锥。

    Do not overexert when reaming holes or threading , lest breaking off the reamer or the tap .

  27. 接下来,用塑料板盖住孔,用泥土固定塑料边缘,并用石头将塑料板的中心向下压。

    Next , cover the hole with the plastic sheet , securing the edges of the plastic with dirt and weighting the sheet 's center down with a rock .

  28. 这些孔应该打在管子的同一端。

    The holes should be only on one end of the tube .

  29. 第四步:现在在管子另一端的顶部周围打五个孔。

    Step 4 : Now make five holes around the top of the other end of the tube .

  30. 只要确保有排水孔和一个小盘子在他们下面收集水滴。快乐地园艺吧!

    Just make sure there are holes for drainage and a small plate under them to catch drops of water.Happy gardening !