
This year 's excavations may reveal ancient artifacts .
The CIA came into possession of a multitude of artifacts .
I can give no guarantee that this qntique is genuine .
Researchers collected artifacts , animal bones and plant remains from 53 sites .
You know , an artifact found in the ruins of other civilizations ?
An artifact ( or system of artifacts ) that is instrumental in accomplishing some end .
Old artifacts are very valuable when they represent early technologies , all contain important historical information .
Contour extraction and curvature calculation is absolutely necessary for fragment reassembly in art conservation or artifacts restoration .
In Dark and Light , there will be rare artifacts that can be found and carried by players .
Correspondence of Minoan cultural artifacts with aspects of the Atlantis legend make the identity of the two seem virtually certain .
It was the common belief of the Sung antiquarians that it needed men versed in rituals to know the usage of antiques .
The temple 's location was rediscovered in1869 , and several artifacts and sculptures from the reconstructed temple can be seen there today .
Fact : the Smithsonian National Museum uses acid-free paper , tissue , folders , labels , and boxes to prevent artifacts from decomposing and discoloring .
German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann discovered the artifacts - mostly gold , copper shields and weapons - in Anatolia 1837 and named them for Priam , king of Troy .
Artifacts , manuscripts and images from Nanzhao are display in the Dali Prefecture Museum in Xiaguan , along with Bai costumes and domestic and agricultural tools and implements .
According to the article , the expedition was financed by the Smithsonian Institute and discovered artifacts that would , if verified , stand conventional history on its ear .
Artifacts may be of simple , even primitive design , and yet be built to serve their intended purpose in a reliable manner during a lifetime of use .
It 's every archaeologist 's dream to find a lost civilization , to make some huge discovery , to find artifacts no one else has laid a hand on in millennia .
But in a bit of karmic payback , Soviet soldiers stole the treasure from Berlin during the waning days of World War II , keeping their bounty a secret for decades until the artifacts turned up on display in Moscow in 1993 .
The history aspect , " Jieti " has inherited the comprehensive system history criticism thought , and proposed some own history thought , but also has concerned the place annals and the epigraphy , opposed at that time the epigraphy " gathered the ancient utensil " atmosphere .
According to the Agency for Cultural Affairs in Japan , 109 items marked as national treasures or important artifacts have gone missing from their collection . The pieces were being kept by private owners , which makes it impossible for the agency to keep track of their whereabouts .
Non - destructive composition analysis of ancient porcelain vessels ( 2 ) & Equipment reconstruction and quantitative analysis
' Dou ' , denoting food containers in ancient times , means the same thing as'shu'did in ancient times .