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mò hēi
  • inkiness;black;very dark;ignorant
墨黑 [mò hēi]
  • (1) [black;very dark]∶很黑;黑暗

  • 乌云翻滚,天墨黑墨黑的

  • (2) [ignorant]∶喻对事毫无了解

墨黑[mò hēi]
  1. 目的:探讨鱿鱼墨黑色素铁对缺铁性贫血(IDA)模型大鼠的治疗作用。

    Objective To observe and evaluate the changes in immune factors of the iron deficiency anemia ( IDA ) pregnant women .

  2. mL-1。结论鱿鱼墨黑色素是一种活性较高的天然自由基清除剂,而黑色素铁的自由基清除活性较黑色素低。

    However , free radical scavenging activity of melanin-Fe (ⅲ) is lower than that of Squid melanin .

  3. 鱿鱼墨黑色素的自由基清除活性研究

    Studies on the free radical scavenging activities of melanin from squid ink

  4. 它的鳞片如暗夜般墨黑,上面血迹湿滑。

    Its scales were black as night , wet and slick with blood .

  5. 目的比较鱿鱼墨黑色素和黑色素铁的自由基清除活性。

    Objective Comparing the free radical scavenging activities between melanin and melanin-Fe (ⅲ) .

  6. 雾霭由墨黑变为浅灰,再有浅灰转为雪白。

    The mist was turning from black to grey and from grey to white .

  7. 然后他墨黑的眼睛变得狡黠。

    Then his coal-black eyes became sly .

  8. 他受太阳晒黑的面孔因暴怒而变得墨黑,眼睛里发出火光来。

    The dark sun-bronze of his face went black with wrath , his eyes were ablaze .

  9. 画面以青绿、普蓝、墨黑的色调为主调,对立成形。

    The composition is built up from the opposition of dark greens , Prussian blues , and coal black tones .

  10. 这些人是无水的井,是狂风催逼的雾气,有墨黑的幽暗为他们存留。

    These men are springs without water and mists driven by a storm . Blackest darkness is reserved for them .

  11. 可是再往远看,就只见一片乌漆墨黑,仿佛他们快来到无星无月的黑夜里。

    But beyond that again , utter blackness as if they had come to the edge of moonless and starless night .

  12. 琼恩的灰色眼瞳颜色深得近乎墨黑,但世间少有事物能逃过他的观察。

    Jon 's eyes were a grey so dark they seemed almost black , but there was little they did not see .

  13. 是海里的狂浪,涌出本人可耻的沫子来;是流荡的星,有墨黑的幽暗为他们永远存留。

    Raging waves of the sea , foaming out their own shame ; wandering stars , to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever .

  14. 这一大片蓝色,细致地看,不是死实一片的色彩,而是可以隐约看到青绿、墨黑色调隐约跃动其中。

    The enormous strand of blue , in closer scrutiny , does not have blue as its only element , but also hints of indigo green and inky black .

  15. 她津津有味地表述了那一幕:墨黑的面料,双层华达呢的高雅品质,缝纫扣子的完美方式,无与伦比的衬里。

    She set the scene with relish : the inky fabric , double gaberdine of exquisite quality , the immaculate way the buttons were sewn , the lining which was matchless .

  16. 她母亲是法国人,是一对从1791年革命中逃亡到海地来的夫妇所生,她给爱伦遗传了这双在墨黑睫毛下略略倾斜的黑眼睛和这一头黑发。

    From her French mother , whose parents had fled Haiti in the revolution of1791 , had come her slanting dark eyes , shadowed by inky lashes , and her black hair ;

  17. 它经历过了四大洋的台风和静浪,长期的风吹日晒,它那古旧的船身就象是在埃及和西伯利亚作过战的法国掷弹兵似的墨黑。

    Long seasoned and weather-stained in the typhoons and calms of all four oceans , her old hull 's complexion was darkened like a French grenadier 's , who has alike fought in Egypt and Siberia .

  18. 是从墨黑的河岸上,是从远远的愁惨的树林边,是穿过昏暗迂回的曲径,你摸索着来到我这里吗,我的朋友?

    By what dim shore of the ink-black river , by what far edge of the frowning forest , through what mazy depth of gloom art thou threading thy course to come to me , my friend ?