
  • The Peacock Flies to Southeast
  1. 《孔雀东南飞》新析

    Some New Ideas of " Peacock Fly to the Southeast "

  2. 《孔雀东南飞》是典型的古典悲剧。

    Peakcock ′ s Flying Southeast is typical and classical tragedy .

  3. 论《孔雀东南飞》结构的动词性

    On the Verb-structured Narration of KONG QUE DONG NAN FEI

  4. 试论《孔雀东南飞》标题的翻译

    The Translation of the Title of Pair of Peacocks Flying

  5. 试解《孔雀东南飞》中的疑节

    Trying to Explain the Puzzling Section in Peacocks Flying Southeastward

  6. 《孔雀东南飞》与汉代婚姻家庭

    " The Peacock Flies Southeasterly " and Han Dynasty Family and Marriage

  7. 《孔雀东南飞》主题驳议与新探

    Refutation and Discussion about the Theme of Southeast the Lovelorn Peacocks Fly

  8. 析《孔雀东南飞》中焦母这一形象

    Jiao 's Mother in the Work Peacock Flying Southeast

  9. 最出名的就是那个《孔雀东南飞》了吧?

    So , Southeast the Peacock Flies should be the most famous one ?

  10. 汉代婚俗的一面镜子:《孔雀东南飞》

    A Mirror of the Marriage Custom in Han Dynasty : The Peacock Flies Southeast ;

  11. 浅探《孔雀东南飞》悲剧原因

    A Brief Talk on the Reason for the Tragedy of " Peafowls Flying Southeast "

  12. 畸变母爱酿就的爱情悲剧&对《孔雀东南飞》的重新解读

    A Tragedy Caused by Alienation love from Motherhood & Reannotation on Peafowl Flying Apart South and East

  13. 长篇叙事诗《孔雀东南飞》是我国诗歌遗产中的瑰宝。

    Long piece of narration Peacock Flies to the Southeast is the poetic inheritance of our country .

  14. 《孔雀东南飞》与汉末农业经济发展模式

    Peacock Flying Southeast and the Development Model of Agricultural Economy at the End of the Han Dynasty

  15. 一曲孔雀东南飞,唱尽人间的痴情怨语;

    A the song peacock southeast fly , singing the feeling language of the exhausted human life ;

  16. 《孔雀东南飞》与《寒夜》中家庭悲剧的比较分析

    A Comparative Analysis of Family Tragedy in between " Flying the Peacock towards Southeast and Cold Night "

  17. 《孔雀东南飞》的叙事结构是具有中国特点的,即结构的动词性。

    Verb-structured narration , the original , complete and dynamic narration structure with Chinese characteristics marks maturity of Chinese narrative poetry .

  18. 西部孔雀东南飞及人力资源开发的对策

    Southeast region 's " peakocks fly to the south and east " and the countermeasures to the development of human resource

  19. 强女人之间人格尊严的冲突&《孔雀东南飞》悲剧原因新探

    The Conflict of Personal Dignity Between Two Fierce Women & A new probe into the tragedy source of Southeast the Peacock Flies

  20. 以古诠古知人论世对&《孔雀东南飞》主题的再认识

    Interpretation of the Ancient through the Ancient , Understanding Human Beings and Reflecting on Society & Theme Review of Peacock Flying Southeastward

  21. 汉乐府《孔雀东南飞》与巴金《寒夜》之比较

    Comparing and Pondering over Yue Fu Folk Song in Han Dynasty Peacock Flies to the Southeast and Ba Jin 's Cold Night

  22. 生命觉醒中的悲剧意识和死亡体验&《孔雀东南飞》悲剧意蕴探微

    Tragic Consciousness and Death Experience in the Awakening of Life-A brief discussion on the tragic implication of the narrative poem The peacock flies southeast

  23. 陨落了的美的挽歌&论《孔雀东南飞》以悲为关的审美取向及其表现途径

    The Elegy of the Beauty 's Withering And Falling & Discuss the esthetic orientation that tragedy is beauty and its performance in " the peacock flies southeasterly "

  24. 《孔雀东南飞》焦刘二人的婚姻悲剧主要是他们个性因素导致。

    It is their personality factors that led to the tragedy of the marriage tragedy of Mr. Jiao and Ms Liu in " Peacock Flies towards Southeast " .

  25. 论《孔雀东南飞》人物性格冲突及现实意义&兼谈焦母形象的悲剧性

    Talking about the conflict of character and realistic sense of 《 Peacock flies southeast 》 Analysis on the tragedy personality psychology of " Peacock Flies towards Southeast "

  26. 《孔雀东南飞》是一部催人泪下的爱情悲剧,其悲剧美表现在:催人泪下的悲剧冲突,光彩照人的悲剧形象,首尾呼应的悲剧氛围。

    The Peacock Flying to the Southeast is a sorrowful love tragedy . It impresses readers with its grieved tragic conflicts , its distinctive tragic characters and its consistent tragic aura .

  27. 可见,婆婆如何善待儿媳,兄长如何善待弱弟孤妹,这实乃是《孔雀东南飞》摆在世人面前的一个十分重大的社会人伦问题。

    An important social ethical issue was raised in Peacock Flying Southeastward : How should a mother-in-law treat her daughter-in-law and how should an older brother treat his young orphan brothers and sisters .

  28. 《诗经》中的《卫风·氓》与汉乐府民歌中的《孔雀东南飞》是中国文学史上闺怨情诗的先锋之作。

    Wei Feng · Meng from The Book of Odes and Peacock Flying Southeast from The Folk Songs of the Han Dynasty are two leading works about love in the Chinese literature history .

  29. 《孔雀东南飞》悲剧个性心理浅析在师范数学教育中实施数学情感教育有利于培养学生良好的知识素养、个性心理与教育理念,是提高学生实践能力与创新能力发展的重要保证。

    Analysis on the tragedy personality psychology of " Peacock Flies towards Southeast " It is good to set up students knowledge accomplishment , personality psychology and education ideal . It is the guarantee of improving the students practical ability and innovation ability .

  30. 然而由于我国地区经济发展不平衡所引起的马太效应的作用,长期以来中西部地区的人才大量外流,出现了孔雀东南飞的现象。

    But the function of " Ma Tai effect " caused by disparate development of regional economy of our country lead to the talent of mid-west area massively flows out for a long time , appear the phenomenon of " the peacock flies southeasterly " .