
  • 网络Porosity;aperture ratio;void
  1. 在W地区某油层组中,浊沸石溶蚀率和长石溶蚀率是对面孔率贡献最大的参数;

    The ratios of the corrosion of laumonite and feldspar are the two most important parameters to porosity .

  2. 颗粒级配是降低预制体气孔率,制备高体积分数SiC预制体非常有效的方法。

    Particle matching is an effective way to reduce porosity , and obtain the preforms with high volume fraction of SiC .

  3. 通过风洞试验,研究了不同腹板开孔率的H形吊杆风致失稳特性。

    Through the wind tunnel tests , this paper investigates the characteristics of wind-induced instability of the H-shape hangers with different perforating ratios of their webs .

  4. 通过节段模型与气弹模型风洞试验,研究了不同腹板开孔率的H型细长结构的风致颤振失稳特性。

    An experimental study of flutter instability of H-shaped slender member with different sizes of slotted web is carried out using both section models and aeroelastic model .

  5. 结果表明,D1和单基药的热膨胀系数有较大的差异,中止燃烧破孔率常温小于低温。

    Results show that the linear expansion coefficients of D1 has large difference with that of single-base propellant .

  6. 利用OIS的大开口率TFT设计专利,通过提高象素开孔率(Opening)到大于65%,以获得高显示亮度与良好的色饱和度。

    High display luminance and good color saturation are achieved through increasing pixel opening to be more than 65 % by using OIS patented high aperture TFT design .

  7. 结果表明,转Bt基因玉米N3030Bt上的虫孔率、百株幼虫数、百株隧道数和百株隧道长均极显著低于对照;

    The results showed that the percentage of bored hole , larval number , tunnel number and tunnel length per hundred plants at Bt transgenic maize were significantly lower than the common maize .

  8. 五种开孔率下F-1浮阀塔板两相流接触状态初步研究

    A primary study of the two-phase contact regime on F-1 valve tray at five fractional areas of valve holes

  9. 通常规定,油层套管射孔后裂孔率不得超过30%,孔裂长度最长不得超过90mm。

    Normally , the maximum crack length after perforation of casing pipe must not exceed 90mm ;

  10. 大开孔率圆柱壳平齐接管结构三维有限元分析UV-LIGA技术制备大厚度高开孔率精细金属网板

    Three-Dimensional FEA of Large Opening Cylinder with Flatting Nozzle ; Fabrication of Thick Metal Micromesh Sieves with High Open Area Using the UV-LIGA Process

  11. 分析结果表明,不同覆膜开孔率控制下的累积蒸发量与时间平方根之间均符合Gardner提出的裸土蒸发理论关系。

    The results showed that under the influence of evaporation , the cumulative evaporation varied linearly with the square of the evaporation time , which corresponded to the bare soil evaporation theory presented by Gardner .

  12. 实验结果表明,Ce阻抑阳极Pb(Ⅱ)氧化物膜的生长并增加其孔率,从而降低其电阻。

    The experimental results show that the addition of cerium into lead metal inhibits the growth of the anodic Pb (ⅱ) oxides film and reduces its resistance . The lowering of the resistance may be mainly due to the larger porosity of the film grown on the Pb-Ce alloy .

  13. 提出了变开孔率通气盒的型式和设计计算方法,它以增加3~4mm水柱气流阻力为代价,可使粮层气流分布达到均匀一致。

    A new type of air duct with changed perforation rate plate is designed , which can eliminate the unevenness of air flow at the expense of 3 - 4 mm water column increase in air resistance .

  14. 但是当开孔率接近0.8且D/T很小时(不大于40),依JB标准补强设计后的安全裕度反而较按HG规范计算结果要小。

    In most cases , it was found that the JB criterion is safer than HG specification , but adverse result was obtained when r / R is close to 0.8 and D / T is too small ( less than 40 ) .

  15. 对47.5%Co+47.5%Ni+5.0%NiFe2O4试样进行了制备工艺研究,从减小气孔率和节约能源角度考虑,选用在1300℃烧结8h的制备工艺最为合理。

    The preparation craft was carried out on sample 47.5 % Co + 47.5 % Ni + 5.0 % NiFe_2O_4 . It turns out that the best sintering craft is sintering at 1300 ℃ for 8 hours from the perspective of low porosity and saving energy .

  16. 分析了炭布处理前后炭纤维的元素及表面形貌;测试了炭布处理前后树脂基复合材料(PMC)、炭化后2D-C/C及致密后2D-C/C的层剪强度、密度、开孔率等;

    Elements and surface morphology of carbon fibers are analyzed and the interlaminar shear stress ( ILSS ) , density and open porosity of polymer matrix composite ( PMC ) , carbonized 2D-C / C and densified 2D-C / C are tested .

  17. 介绍了超细玻璃纤维(AGM)隔板性能对密封铅酸电池性能的影响,包括基重和厚度的均匀性、回弹性和压缩率、孔率和吸酸量、孔径、电阻、杂质等。

    Effects of the specificity of AGM separators on the performance of sealed lead-acid batteries were introduced , including the uniformity of basis weight and thickness , elasticity and compressibility , porosity and absorption , pore-size , electrical resistance , impurity , etc.

  18. 结果表明:筛板开孔率53%,筛板间距7cm,振动频率150r/min时,萃取率可达84%;

    The results show that the WPA extracted fraction of 84 % is obtained at the free area rate of tray of 53 % , tray spacing of 7 cm , and vibrating frequency of 150 r / min.

  19. 全文的创新点在于首次采用了新型SC-CO2反复循环萃取法和在此基础上以胶原纤维为网络制备更高开孔率的复合支架材料。

    The innovation point of this article is firstly adopting the two methods of SC-CO_2 RCI and SC-CO_2 fibre bonding with collagen fiber network to prepare higer open porosity scaffolds .

  20. 两种思路都是为了进一步解决传统SC-CO2一次性升压法制备的支架材料开孔率(即孔洞连通率)不高的问题。

    Both of the schemes are expected to ulteriorly solve the problem that the scaffold has too low open porosity by the SC-CO_2 traditional introduction one time ( TIOT ) .

  21. 测量结果表明,岩台面不平整度小于7cm,半孔率达到95%以上,岩台成型质量达到设计要求。

    The results of measurement show that the roughness of rock bench surface is less than 7 cm and the half-cast factor is up to 95 % , the quality of formed rock bench being in ( agreement ) with design desire .

  22. 通过提高极板剩余孔率、选择合适的负正极容量比,并控制装配紧度,使电池超高倍率放电性能和6C5A放电0.5s时的负载电压达到指标要求;

    We have also made the ultra high rate discharge performance and higher load voltage met its specific requirements by means of the increment of remainder electrode porosity , the selection of reasonable negative and positive ratio and the control of assembly tightness .

  23. 该组合料制得的泡沫性能为:泡沫密度15kg/m3,开孔率大于98%,流动性大于1.3cm/g,压缩强度大于0.1MPa。

    The density of foam is 15 kg / m3 , the open-cell ratio exceeds 98 % , and the fluidity of foam is over 1.3 cm / g , the compressive of foam is surpassed 0.1 MPa .

  24. 新型大开孔率(约80%)DS-2合金铸箅子板及嵌镶DS-2合金精铸喷嘴的分酸器的使用,改进了气液间的接触,降低了填料高度和能耗,因此可节省综合投资约10%。

    The use of new type DS-2 cast alloy large-opening ( about 80 % ) grid and acid distributor with built-in precisely cast nozzles improves contact of gas with liq-uid and reduces packing height and energy requirement , resulting in about 10 % saving in total investment .

  25. 消失模发泡模具的快速制作实践发泡镍电阻率的孔率计算法

    Rapidly Making Practice of Foam Molding Tools for Lost Foam Process

  26. 提高印花镍网开孔率方法的研究

    The Method on Increasing the Opening Area Ratio of Screen Gauze

  27. 测试了所得沥青炭的体积密度、开孔率;

    Bulk density , porosity of pitch derived carbon were determined .

  28. 非均匀开孔率穿流塔板的传质效率

    Mass Transfer Efficiency of Perforated plate of Non & uniform Porosity

  29. 提高钢结构高强螺栓过孔率的有效途径

    Effective ways to raise through-hole rate of high-strength bolts for steel structures

  30. 催化剂是影响聚氨酯多孔材料发泡速率和开孔率关键因素之一。

    Catalysts affect the reaction rate of polyurethane porous materials .