
  1. 打倒孔家店!

    Down with Confucius and sons !( a popular slogan among intellectuals during the May4th movement , 1919 )

  2. 我在网上学到很多有关我们孔家的盛事。

    I learnt a lot about the glorious events happened in the family from the website .

  3. 两湖地区的新文化人曾首举“打倒孔家店”的旗号,在文化心理的层面上树立了可贵的批判精神;

    For the first time in history of China , the intellectuals in Lianghu area ( Hu'nan and Hubei Province ) raised the banner of " Down with the Confucianism ", which set up a critical spirit .

  4. 在中国,孔家算是最有福分的了,所以乾隆就将女儿嫁给孔子的第七十二代孙孔宪培为妻,而慕恩堂就是专门为她建造的。

    Since the Kongs were the No.1 lucky family in the land , the emperor married her to the lineal seventy-second descendant of confucius , Kong xianpei , and the hall of gratitude was built specially for her .

  5. 积极参加新文化运动和文学革命运动。他反对专制文化,反对孔教,最早提出“打倒孔家店”的口号。

    As an active participant in the New Culture Movement and literary revolution movement , he opposed autocratic culture and Confucianism and was the first to advance the slogan of " Down with the ' Confucian shop ' . "

  6. 随着手工业的发展,出现了一些私营大手工业主,如鲁国煮盐的猗顿,秦国巴地开采丹砂的寡妇清,冶铁业如魏国的孔家、卓家和赵国的郭纵等。

    With the development of handicraft industry , private entrepreneurs in some businesses were a-ble to acquire wealth and finances , like the salt producer Yi Dun of Lu , Widow Qing in the state of Qin owned mines producing cinnabar , ironworks of the families Kong and Zhou in Wei , and Guo Zong in the State of Zhao .

  7. 老实说,我们姓孔,但对孔家的事,知道得很少。

    Honestly , we are descendants , but we know very little about the history of the family .