
  • 网络TAMURA
  1. 即使(切)田村先生所述,金融服务厅仍遭受着政客们的肆意介入。

    Even by Mr Tamura 's admission , the Financial Services Agency ( FSA ) suffers from undue meddling by politicians .

  2. 田村先生负责监督他辖下地区的垃圾回收工作,但他“过度热情”地对待工作,已有好几次被拘留的记录,都是因为用“过激行为”强制实施垃圾回收条例。

    The newspaper said Tamura oversaw the town 's garbage collection and had been arrested several times in the past for trying to enforce the rules in an over-enthusiastic way .

  3. 菜粉蝶野田村病毒感染宿主的病理学变化及病毒的装配

    Histopathological and Cytopathological Changes in Pieris rapae Infected by a New Nodavirus

  4. 珠三角地区农民收入结构及影响因素分析&以东莞市凤岗镇雁田村为例

    Analysis of farmers ' income structure and factors in pearl delta area

  5. 北京田村山水厂水源水致突活性研究

    A Study on the Mutagenic Activity of Source Water of Beijing Tian Cun Shan Waterworks