
  • 网络Tennessee State University;University of Tennessee
  1. 让Nijay没有意识到的是,他的学校田纳西州立大学第一代学生的毕业率仅为29%。

    What Nijay didn 't realize about his school — Tennessee State University — was its frighteningly low graduation rate a mere 29 percent for its first-generation students .

  2. 以布坎南自己为例,他在母校田纳西州立大学(MiddleTennesseeStateUniversity)设立了多项奖学金(他后来又取得了芝加哥大学博士学位)。

    Take Buchanan himself , who endowed scholarships at his alma mater , Middle Tennessee State University ( he later gained a Chicago doctorate ) .

  3. 田纳西州立大学的总体毕业率只有39%,但至少第一代学生和同龄人的成绩差距较小。

    Tennessee State 's overall graduation rate is a tiny 39 percent , but at least it has a smaller gap between the outcomes for first-generation students and those of their peers .

  4. 我知道,正常情况下,像格兰布林和南方大学、杰克逊州立大学和田纳西州立大学这样的对手,每个的毕业典礼都会有令人惊喜之处。

    And I know that in normal times , rivals like Grambling and Southern , Jackson State and Tennessee State , might raise some eyebrows8 at sharing a graduation ceremony .

  5. 高年级时,在选美大赛中胜出,赢取了田纳西州立大学四年的助学金。

    In hersenior year she wona beauty contest and a four-year scholarship toTennessee StateUniversity .

  6. 田纳西州立大学心理学教授巴斯称,因为女人调情的笑容是一种性讯号。

    That 's because a woman 's smile is well-documented as a signal of sexual interest , said University of Texas psychology professor David Buss .

  7. 田纳西大学和田纳西州立大学相距只有几个小时,两者值得比较。

    Located only a few hours apart , The University of Tennessee and Tennessee State are worth comparing .

  8. 当天在田纳西州马丁路德金高中毕业典礼上,米歇尔奥巴马致辞22分钟,这是她今年唯一一场高中演讲。演讲在附近田纳西州立大学的体育馆举行。

    Mrs. Obama spoke for 22 minutes to the graduates of Martin Luther King Jr. Academic Magnet High School on Saturday in her only high school commencement address this year . The ceremony took place in the gymnasium of nearby Tennessee State University .