
  1. 在田间地头或是在工厂的车间;

    at farms and on factory floors ;

  2. 在家里要炒几样菜,在田间地头劳动也要带上各种炒菜、炖菜。

    Even working on the fields , they like to bring fried and stewed dishes for lunch .

  3. 起源大多来自田间地头,受众性广泛,草根意味较多。

    Originated mostly from the fields , a broad audience of " grass roots " mean more .

  4. 由于烟杆本身基本不具备价值,通常被丢弃于田间地头形成固体废弃物构成环境污染,或被晒干焚烧造成大气污染,这不仅破坏了生态环境,而且浪费了可供利用的资源。

    It is thrown away or burned for its no value , waste the usable resource and result environmental pollution .

  5. 在乡下,村民们常常把套套用作一次性盛水容器,田间地头,方便完以后洗手用再合适不过了。

    And in the countryside , villagers would use the condoms as disposable water containers to help them wash up after a bathroom break in the field .

  6. 站在田间地头的一位农民也惊讶地抬望半空————他平生可能从未见过这类稀奇玩意儿。

    A peasant farmer stands in a field and watches - one presumes in amazement - a sight the likes of which he would never have seen before .

  7. 这个时候它们会开遍整个田间地头,更是遍及了每一个草木的空隙,或是三两株或是整黄的一片。

    This time they will be blooming throughout the fields , even over a grass gap for each , or several strains of flowers , or the entire yellow files .

  8. 新年走来了,步伐迈进大街小巷、田间地头,和谐充满城市乡村,大江南北。

    The New Year is coming , the step towards the streets , the fields , harmonious full of urban and rural areas , the great river north and south .

  9. 如今的龙头山镇光明村,无论是山坡上、田间地头,还是走在进村入户路上,到处都可以看到青花椒林。

    Today , the leading town Guangming Village , both the slopes and fields , or walking in the villages and households on the road , and everywhere you can see green pepper forest .

  10. 无论逢年过节、喜忧大典还是平常在田间地头、街头巷尾,无时没有戏的演唱、戏的表演。

    No matter when festivals and ceremonies of happiness and sadness are , and in which the fields and streets and lanes they are , you can see the performance and hear the singing .

  11. 近来,关于蔬菜价格的问题更是成为了人们关注的焦点,蔬菜从田间地头到百姓的饭桌,其中差价竟然有十倍之多。

    Recently , the issue of vegetables prices has become the focus of attention . The price of vegetables will have an increase of more than ten times from the farm to the table of common people .

  12. 目前,全世界被综合开发和利用的纤维素资源不足总量的2%,我们国家现在有约一半以上的农林废弃物在田间地头被烧掉,白白浪费了我们宝贵的自然资源。

    Currently , the development and utilization of agricultural , forestry and fiber by-products is less than 2 % throughout the whole world . In our country , more than 50 % of agricultural and forestry wastes burned in vain , wasting the precious natural resources .