
  1. 金泽荣流亡中国期间于1912年申请加入了中国国籍。

    Jin Zerong applied for Chinese nationality in1912 in his exile in China .

  2. 流亡中国的原朝鲜通政大夫金泽荣于1914年完成了一部在当时朝鲜的儒林和旧士大夫中引起了强烈震撼的史著《韩史綮》。

    In1914 , an exile published a history monograph under the title of Nodes of Korean History which strongly shacked the circle of Confucian scholars , literati and previous officialdom in Korea .

  3. 发掘了金泽荣诗歌主题意蕴,他的咏史、爱国、忧民、山水等都是极为优秀的汉诗作品,通过对不同主题的书写,多角度地反映了诗人对国家、对民族的热爱与担忧。

    His ode to History , patriotism , concern for the people and landscapes and so on are extremely outstanding works of Chinese poetry , in spite of different themes , reflect his love and concern for the country and the nation from many views . 4 .