
Have you seen the film the life of Wu hsun ?
On the Campaign of Criticizing the Film Wu Xun Zhuan in Shanghai in 1951
The question raised by The Life of Wu Hsun is fundamental in nature .
The Argumentative Movement of the Film " the Life of Wu Xun " and the Occurrence of Chinese Contemporary Literature
Tao 's comments on Wu Xun and on the film An Biography of Wu Xun received severe and harsh criticism .
At the beginning of the foundation of China , a critical movement about the film Wu Xun Biography was launched in the ideological sphere , which went through three stages .
The meaning of " lead of thinking " and the character of literature system running under administration are analysed in the article which effect on the animadvert on this movie are discussed later .
As the first criticism movement after the foundation of the People 's Republic of China , the " argumentative movement " of the film " The life of Wu Xun " possesses special significance in the history of Chinese contemporary literature .