• military;connected with the art of attack and defence in wushu;martial;valiant
  • footstep
  • 关于军事或技击的,与“文”相对:~装。~器。~警。~林。~坛。~生。~旦。~丑。~净。~举。

  • 勇猛,猛烈:英~。威~。~断。~士。~夫。

  • 半步,泛指脚步:步~。踵~。行(xíng )不数~。

  • 姓。


(关于军事的) military:

  • 武力

    military force; armed strength [might]


(关于技击的) connected with the art of attack and defence in wushu:

  • 武林

    the world or circle of wushu


(勇猛; 猛烈) martial; valiant; vigorous:

  • 勇武

    valiant; chivalrous;

  • 威武

    martial-looking; vigorous


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 武训

    Wu Xun


[书] (半步, 泛指脚步) footstep:

  • 步武

    follow in the footsteps

  1. 所以,地方武职官的政治地位较高。

    Therefore , local military officers enjoy higher political and economic status .

  2. 武器控制-一个政治上的棘手问题所以,地方武职官的政治地位较高。

    Gun control-a political hot potato . Therefore , local military officers enjoy higher political and economic status .

  3. 在前寒武纪的最后1亿年中,两个主要的冰川时期对两个地区都产生了影响。

    Two main glacial epochs affected both areas during the last 100 million years of Precambrian times .

  4. 武泉山位于兰州南部。

    Wuquan Mountain lies in the south of Lanzhou .

  5. 试验中使用的两种药物易普利姆玛(ipilimumab)与纳武利尤单抗(nivolumab)都能阻止一些癌症的隐藏,从而让免疫系统得以出击。

    The two drugs used in this trial – ipilimumab and nivolumab – both stop some cancers hiding and allow the immune system to attack .

  6. 施家的邻居孟家,也有两个儿子,也一样都练过文,习过武,但是一直穷愁潦倒。

    The next-door family , the Meng family , also had two sons . They learned liberal arts and martial arts in the same way , but remained poor and frustrated4 .

  7. 增加施N量使武运粳8号稻米加工品质提高,垩白度增加,透明度下降,粗蛋白含量显著提高。

    With increasing nitrogen , appearance quality and coarse protein also improved , but increased chalkiness and thus led to the decrease of transparency .

  8. 通过C(27)/C(29)甾烷和有机碳同位素来判断早古生代和前寒武纪的烃源岩的生物来源

    Biological origin of Early Palaeozoic and Precambrian hydrocarbon source rocks based on c_ ( 27 ) / c_ ( 29 ) sterane ratio and organic carbon isotope

  9. 辽宁早前寒武纪变质基底Au元素的分布与分配特征

    The distributing and assigning characters of gold in metamorphic basement of the early Precambrian in Liaoning

  10. 贵州遵义早寒武黑色岩系底部Se的超常富集

    Super-enrichment of Se in the bottom black shales Lower Cambrian at zunyi , Guizhou province , china

  11. 海南岛北西部前寒武纪花岗质岩SHRIMP锆石U-Pb年龄及地质意义

    SHRIMP U-Pb dating of zircon from the Precambrian granitoids in Northwest Hainan Island and Its Geological Implications

  12. 邱礼涛2010年还曾执导过《叶问前传》(TheLegendIsBorn:IpMan)。该片主要讲述了这位武学宗师的青年岁月。

    Mr. Yau himself has weighed in previously , with 2010 's ' The Legend Is Born : Ip Man , ' which focused on the martial artist 's younger years .

  13. 我国华北及东北地区前寒武纪岩石K-Ar等时年龄

    K-Ar isochron ages of Precambrian rocks in northern and northeastern China

  14. 福建前寒武纪地体中的锆石U-Pb同位素年龄的地质意义

    Geological Analysis of U-Pb Single Zircon Ages for Forming-Rocks of Precambrian Terrain in Fujian Province

  15. 依托武黄公路改建项目,分析了STRATA应力吸收层路面结构性能,STRATA材料配合比及施工技术。

    Relying on the rebuilding project in Wu-Huang Highway , the author analyzes the structural property of the pavement with STRATA , the mix design and construction technology of STRATA .

  16. 新闻网站RocketNews报道称,在“1号”死亡之前,则武竹谷正在为它准备鲭鱼肉,然而当鲭鱼肉被放入水族箱后,“1号”却一动不动。

    Mr Moritaki , was preparing the mackerel for No. 1 's feed , however the giant isopod sat motionless as the bait was lowered in to the tank , according to Rocket News .

  17. 本文采用GC_MS、ICP_MS、形态硫分析、硫同位素、物相分析等方法综合研究了湘西晚震旦世-早寒武世黑色岩系的地球化学特征和形成条件。

    This paper deals with the formation conditions of black shales based on such analytical techniques as ICP_MS , GC_MS , isotope , organic carbon , element facies and micropetrology .

  18. 伊利石Rb-Sr粒级等时线定年模式及其在前寒武纪地层上的应用

    A dating model of illite grain Rb-Sr isochron and its application to Precambrian stratigraphy

  19. 单颗粒锆石U-Pb同位素测年法是测定前寒武纪地体地质年代的较好方法之一。

    Today it is an one of better methods to dating ages of forming-rocks of Precambrian terrain to using single grain zincon .

  20. 其中包括拿破仑·希尔(NapoleonHill)的《思考致富》,尼科洛·马基雅维利(NiccoloMachiavelli)的《君主论》,以及孙武写的《孙子兵法》。

    These include Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill , The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli and The Art of War by Sun Tzu .

  21. XML扩展标记语言与XSL样武表达语言的应用是一种真正的数据与表现分离的机制,由于其特有的优势,在J2EE构架中有着重要而广泛的应用。

    The application of XML and XSL is the best way , with them the data and display can separate . Because of its special advantage , they have important and abroad application on J2EE platform .

  22. 简要介绍兰武增建二线P1标段无缝线路的长轨铺设、现场焊接应力放散等施工方法。

    Here is a brief on seamless track laying , welding in site , stress dispersion in P1 Marked Section of new Line # 2 of Lan-Wu Railway .

  23. 采用项目管理技术,以P3项目管理软件为手段,对忠武输气管道工程信息管理系统进行了探索研究。

    By adopting project management techniques and P3 system software , a set of information management system has been established tentatively for Zhongxian to Wuhan gas transportation pipeline project .

  24. 随后欧洲与莫斯科的谈判只会突出后者唯武至上的观念。未能就如何阻遏俄罗斯能源勒索达成一致意见的欧盟(EU)是否从中得到了教训,我很不愿讲。

    Subsequent negotiations with Moscow have served only to underline the latter 's disdain for anything but force . Whether a European Union incapable of agreeing on how to counter Russian energy blackmail has learnt this lesson , I hesitate to say .

  25. 五台山早前寒武纪变质岩中的白云母属二八面体的2M型多型变体,其中五台群中的白云母为富含绿鳞石分子的普通白云母,滹沱群为多硅白云母。

    The muscovites from Precambrian metamorphic rocks in Wutai Shan belong to the 2M-polytype of dioctahedrom : those from Wutai group are common muscovites rich in celedonite and those from Hutuo group are phengite .

  26. 采用华农牌20%BN种衣剂18号和生物型水稻种衣剂ZSB-R对汕优63、武育粳3号种子进行处理,其主要作用和效果是:1.提高发芽率1.5~2.7个百分点;

    Adopting Hua-Nong brand 20 % BN seed coat agent and bion rice seed coat agent ZSB-R to make a treatment with Shan-You 63 , Wu Yu-Jing 3 , its main effects are the following : 1 . to improve the germination percentage 1 . 5-2 . 7 points ;

  27. 贵州台江早、中寒武世凯里组的Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia from Early-Middle Cambrian Kaili Formation in taijiang , Guizhou

  28. 华北地台东部中寒武世张夏期附枝藻(Epiphyton)灰岩及古地理辽东复州湾中石炭世地层兼论华北地台中石炭统的划分

    Epiphyton boundstone and palaeogeography of the Middle Cambrian Zhangxia formation in the east of North China Platform

  29. 1992年天然富勒烯在俄罗斯前寒武纪地层桑加岩(Shungite)中被发现,引起了人们对天然富勒烯研究的兴趣。

    The first presence of fullerene in Shungite , Russia in 1992 aroused the interest of studying natural fullerene .

  30. 前寒武纪地质发展,祁连裂谷的发育,花岗岩的成岩和演化等对LSS成矿带的形成有重要作用。

    The geological development in Precambrian , the evolution of Qi-Liang rift and the lithogenesis and evolution of the granites has played an important role in the formation of the uranium metallogenetic zone at LSS area .