  • summary;outline;brief account;résumé
  • capture;seize;omit;delete
  • brief;sketchy;simple
  • slightly;just a little;somewhat
  • 大致,简单,不详细:大~。简~。粗~。~微。~有所闻。~知一二。

  • 省去,简化:省~。忽~。其余从~。

  • 简要的叙述:史~。要~。事~。

  • 计谋:方~。策~。战~。

  • 抢,掠夺:侵~。攻城~地。


(简单扼要的叙述) summary; outline; brief account; résumé:

  • 节略

    memorandum; aide-mémoire;

  • 史略

    outline history; brief history;

  • 要略

    outline; summary


(计划; 计谋) strategy; plan; scheme:

  • 战略

    military strategy;

  • 方略

    overall plan;

  • 策略



(姓氏) a surname:

  • 略文

    Lüe Wen


(夺取) capture; seize:

  • 侵略

    invade; commit aggression;

  • 攻城略地

    attack cities and seize territories


(省去; 简化) omit; delete; leave out; simplify:

  • 从略

    be omitted;

  • 忽略

    neglect; overlook;

  • 略去

    leave out altogether


(简单) brief; sketchy; simple:

  • 粗略

    rough; sketchy;

  • 略图



(略微) slightly; just a little; somewhat:

  • 略看一看

    take a cursory glance

  1. 略论足球运动员专项身体素质的适应性训练

    A Summary Study on the Physical Fitness Adaptability Training of Soccer Players

  2. 道学形成及道学对儒学影响论略

    A Brief Summary of the Taoist Studies and its Influence on Confucianism

  3. 墙壁粉刷成了略呈桃红的白色。

    The walls were painted white with a hint of peach .

  4. 她略扒开窗帘,向外张望。

    She parted the curtains a little and looked out .

  5. 他们支付的酬金略高于现行标准。

    They pay slightly more than the going rate .

  6. 英镑的汇价略跌,收盘时为1.534美元。

    The pound closed slightly down at $ 1.534 .

  7. 他们略停了一下就继续爬山。

    After a brief pause , they continued climbing .

  8. 他对这个主意略感兴趣,但还不愿意作出明确决定。

    He nibbled at the idea , but would not make a definite decision .

  9. 这份生平记述对他的不光彩之处略而不表,没有提及他在监狱的日子。

    This sanitized account of his life does not mention his time in prison .

  10. 我们选择了一条略近的路线。

    We took a slightly more direct route .

  11. 是应该把这些安排做得略为正式一点的时候了。

    It is time to put these arrangements on a slightly more formal basis .

  12. 这些高音略为偏低。

    The high notes were slightly flat .

  13. 他略感失望。

    He was feeling a shade disappointed .

  14. 他们略胜我们一筹。

    They have the edge on us .

  15. 有一个略长的停顿。

    There was a longish pause .

  16. 我们略掉了我们认为对正文不甚紧要的脚注。

    We have omitted footnotes which we judged inessential to the text .

  17. 身体站直,两脚叉开,略宽于肩。

    Stand tall with your feet slightly wider than shoulder distance apart .

  18. 对于实惠型度假者来说,马略卡岛与伊维萨岛是6月份的绝好选择。

    Majorca and Ibiza are tops for holiday bargain-hunters in June

  19. 午餐之后要做的清扫工作比平时略多。

    After lunch there was a little more clearing up to do than usual

  20. 她仍与9年前在马略卡岛结识的美国朋友们通信。

    She still corresponds with American friends she met in Majorca nine years ago

  21. 风车是马略卡岛风光的一大特色。

    Windmills are a characteristic feature of the Mallorcan landscape

  22. 卡萝尔一头略鬈的烫发。

    Carol 's hair had a slightly frizzy perm .

  23. 度假者们可以在乘游轮游览之前或之后再在马略卡岛呆上一星期。

    Holiday-makers can also add on a week in Majorca before or after the cruise

  24. 相比而言,曼联队的行程将略多于1,200英里。

    By way of contrast , Manchester United will travel slightly more than 1,200 miles

  25. 把饼干烤20到25分钟,直到表面略呈棕色。

    Bake the biscuits for 20-25 minutes , until the tops are lightly browned .

  26. 价格比平均水平略高,可它们的质量是最好的。

    The prices were a tad above average , but they 're of the highest quality .

  27. 烤至边缘浅黄松脆,中间略软。

    Bake until light golden and crisp around the edges and slightly soft in the centre .

  28. 他提高了工资以使人们更易接受,尽管涨幅略低于他的价格升幅。

    He sweetened the pill by increasing wages , although by slightly less than he raised prices .

  29. 过量接触阳光、海水、沙粒和氯气会使浅色头发略呈绿色。

    An overdose of sun , sea , sand and chlorine can give lighter hair a green tinge .

  30. 她重新杜撰了自己的生平,略掉了在战争年代有过一个德国情人的经历。

    She reinvented her own life story , skipping over the war years when she had a German lover .