
  • 网络Linking Luhe boxing
  1. 十形(动物像形)在形式上和练习方式上和起初的心意六合拳比较接近。

    The Ten Animal style is closest to the original Heart Mind Six Harmonies Boxing in form and practice .

  2. 心意六合拳是历史名拳,它的创立与发展,对中国近现代拳术产生了巨大的影响。

    Mind Liuhe Quan is one of the most significant Quanshu from history . The creation and development of it has a huge effect on the modern Quanshu in china .

  3. 择徒甚严,以至于该拳法传承人较少。由于缺乏有力的传播者,所以心意六合拳在安徽省一时难以拓宽渠道发展习练人口。二、安徽省心意六合拳的相关协会、研究会等组织形同虚设。

    Due to lack of strong communicators , it becomes difficult to expand the channels for the development of practicing population in Anhui Province . Second , The related Mind Liuhe Quan associations and research organizations are existing in name only of Anhui Province .

  4. 进而探索完整符合国际市场的心意六合拳标准化训练体系。三、随着我国社会主义市场经济的不断发展,全球一体化。国外一些体育项目已经率先完成了商业化推广的标准体系。

    And then exploring the full line with international market Mind Liuhe Quan standardized training system . Third , With the development of Chinese socialist market economy and globalization , some foreign sports have taken the lead to promote the commercialization of the standard system .