
xīn tóu ròu
  • dearly loved person or treasured possession
心头肉 [xīn tóu ròu]
  • [favorite] 比喻为人所最珍爱的人或物

  1. 孩子是她的心头肉。

    Her children are closest to her heart .

  2. 他告诉她,她是他的掌上明珠,是他的心头肉。

    He told her that she was the apple of his eye , that she was wound around his heartstrings .

  3. 你敢开,我就敢买,看看我手头的iPad2我的心头肉啊,iPad2是个好iPad,我11岁的闺女都爱不释手。

    And I can assure you , I even have , you know , my iPad 2 here , which I love , you know , so cooperate with me , but you know , it 's a wonderful technology and my 11-year-old girl just loves this iPad2 . Good . Yeah .

  4. 有时他带给我一片面包,或是给我妈妈一根胡萝卜,我觉得我们是他的心头肉。

    He sometimes brought a piece of bread for me , or a carrot for my mother , and I think we were his favourites .

  5. 她说:“你妈妈是我的心头肉,你得向我保证你会永远爱护她。”

    She said , " That 's my baby girl , and you have to promise me now you 'll always take care of her . "

  6. 我也跟大家说起过我的女儿们,她们是我们的心头肉,我们世界的中心,在白宫的8年里,我们看着她们从咿呀的小女孩成长为了优雅的女青年。

    I also told you about our daughters , how they are the heart of our hearts , the center of our world , and during our time in the White House we have had the joy of watching them grow from bubbly little girls into poised young women .