
  • 网络Psychologist;psychiatrist;shrink
  1. 你能利用心理医师诊所,了解自己最初何以出现这些毁灭性的想法;

    You can use the shrink 's office to understand why you have these destructive thoughts in the first place ;

  2. 你能利用心理医师诊所,了解自己最初何以出现这些毁灭性的想法;你能利用灵修,帮助你克服这些想法。

    You can use the shrink 's office to understand why you have these destructive thoughts in the first place ; you can use spiritual exercises to help overcome them .

  3. 美国心理医师PeterLevine说过,人类是很特别的生物

    As Peter Levine has said , the human animal is a unique being

  4. 凯瑟琳·拉切林(KatherineRachlin)是一位给跨性人士做咨询的心理医师。她说她时常能在治疗中听到这类话题。

    Katherine Rachlin , a therapist who counsels trans people , said these themes come up frequently .

  5. 纽约生育诊所RMAofNewYorkLLP的心理医师乔治亚·维特金(GeorgiaWitkin)建议想抱孙子的老人为自己的低落心情寻找其他出口。

    Georgia Witkin , a psychologist at RMA of New York LLP , a fertility clinic in New York , recommends that wannabe grandparents find other outlets for their frustrations .

  6. 花几个月看心理医师,探索童年的心灵创伤。

    Spending months on the couch delving into childhood traumas .

  7. 这是摩梯末医生亨利的心理医师

    This is Dr Mortimer , Henry 's therapist .

  8. 比你的心理医师,比任何人都更了解。

    Better than your therapist , better than anyone .

  9. 心理医师说都是黑钱。

    The psychiatrist says it 's all blood money .

  10. 他们是真的很需要一些心理医师,但你可能在此帮不上忙。

    They do need counsellors , but you may not be able to serve .

  11. 我很想建议你去向心理医师咨询,而不是经济学家。

    I am tempted to recommend you consult a shrink rather than an economist .

  12. 找到了一个评论网站,叫心理医师排名网

    I found this review site called shrinkrank.net .

  13. 知道她爸是心理医师。

    That her father was a psychiatrist .

  14. 心理医师不一定都重视梦境。

    Not all psychologists care about dreams .

  15. 一位心理医师感到有些厌烦。

    The psychiatrist was a bit perturbed .

  16. 我这里有一位心理医师的号码

    Listen , I-I got the number here of a therapist that my buddy went to

  17. 所有的青少年经过心理医师的筛检,以确保他们能够完成研究。

    All of the adolescents were screened by a psychologist to ensure that they would comply with the study protocol .

  18. 在他兵役结束之后,他在北卡罗来纳州特种部队中担任心理医师。

    Toward the end of his military stint , he served as a psychologist to a North Carolina special-ops unit .

  19. 曼哈顿的心理医师约瑟夫森称,患有注意力缺陷多动障碍的过份乐观患者通常缺乏足够的紧迫感来完成一件事。

    Dr. Josephson says that overly optimistic people with ADHD often have an insufficient sense of urgency to get things done .

  20. 如果这些都行不通,你还可以寻求心理医师的帮助。

    If you are still having trouble getting to a feeling , you might want to try working with a therapist on this .

  21. 下个月将庆祝三十二岁的生日的珍妮佛罗培兹将在剧中饰演一名「改行」当心理医师的女超人。

    Jennifer Lopez , who will celebrate her 32nd birthday next month , will play the role of a superhero " turned " shrink in the comedy .

  22. 大多数心理医师接待的焦虑症患者中,受焦虑过度困扰的人要多于焦虑刺激不足的人,不过缺乏行动动机有可能是抑郁症的表现。

    Most therapists see more patients suffering from too much anxiety rather than too little , although withdrawal and lack of ambition can be a hallmark of depression .

  23. 对于这种夏季末不适症,目前鲜有研究或是统计数据。不过心理医师、职业咨询专家、甚至婚姻顾问都发现,在初秋时节上门寻求帮助的人数有所增加。

    There are few studies or statistics on the end-of-summer malaise , but therapists , career coaches even marriage counselors report an increase in people seeking help in early fall . '

  24. 你应当通过你的日常医生跟心理治疗医师取得联系。

    You should get in touch with a psychiatrist , through your regular doctor .

  25. 担任心理健康医师的美国陆军少校尼达尔•哈桑在德克萨斯军事基地开枪射击。

    US army psychologist , Major Nidal Hasan opens fire at a Texas military base .

  26. 综合医院医学心理门诊医师对抑郁症的识别

    A follow - up study on recognition of depression by psychiatrists and physicians in general hospitals

  27. 心理治疗是心理医师对心理有疾病的患者进行心理和行为问题矫治的治疗过程。

    Psychotherapy is psychiatrists to mental illness mental and behavioral problems with treatment course of treatment .

  28. 出席上周在上海召开的某会议的心理健康专家们说,中国目前仅有1万7千名注册心理医师,即每76000人仅有1名心理医生。

    At a meeting in Shanghai last week , mental health professionals said that China has just 17000 registered psychiatrists , or one for every 76000 people .