
  • 网络red boxing;CrimsonKnuckle
  1. 红拳作为优秀的民族文化就诞生在这片黄土地上。

    As a kind of representive of our outstanding national culture , Red Boxing was just born in this beautiful yellow farmland .

  2. 红拳已成为了陕西文化的一张名片,引起了世人和整个武术界的瞩目,如何把红拳发扬光大,在新的时代、在今后的发展中重显红拳昔日的辉煌。

    Shaanxi Cultural red boxing has become a business card , the entire martial arts world and aroused the attention of red boxing how to carry forward in the new era in the development of future weight was red boxing former glory .

  3. 红拳跟不上现代社会发展的需要;

    Hongquan can not keep up with the demand of the development of modern society .

  4. 目前红拳的主要优势是它内涵丰富的文化、健身、技击价值。

    The advantage of Hongquan is that it contains great value of culture , body building and strike technique .

  5. 一个弱小的女人,已经被加利福尼亚的西风吹得没有什么血色了,当然经不起那个有着红拳关,气吁吁的老家伙的常识。

    A mite of a little woman with blood thinned by California zephyrs was hardly fair game for the red-fisted , short-breathed old duffer .