
tǐ shì
  • form of characters or letters;form of characters;form of literary works
体式 [tǐ shì]
  • (1) [form of characters]∶文字的式样,拼音字母有手写体和印刷体两种体式

  • (2) [form of literary works]∶体裁

  • 词和律诗体式不同

体式[tǐ shì]
  1. 汉语拼音字母有手写体和印刷体两种体式。

    There are two written forms of the Chinese phonetic alphabet , the cursive and the printed .

  2. Air(初三适用)分体式空调器的安装

    The installation of separated type air conditioner

  3. 钢体式人造金刚石复合片钻头来自身体的N种疼痛

    Steel Body Type Synthetic Diamond Compact Bit

  4. P(HEMA)&体式人工角膜植入碱烧伤兔角膜的实验研究

    The Experimental Study of One-piece P ( HEMA ) Keratoprosthesis Implanted into Alkali Burned Rabbit Corneas

  5. 基于Modbus远程监控的分体式自动发油系统

    Detached Auto Oil Dispatching System Based on Modbus Tele-surveillance

  6. NETMVC框架的细节之前,我们欲望确保你熟悉了MVC设计模式,并按它的体式格式进行思虑。

    NET MVC Framework , we want to make sure you are familiar with the MVC design pattern and the thinking behind it .

  7. 针对用钢体式焊齿法制造PDC钻头中存在的问题,提出用真空扩散焊代替钎焊制造PDC钻头的新工艺。

    A technique for manufacturing PDC bit by means of vacuum diffusion bonding instead of brazing is put forward .

  8. 介绍一种分体式MIS用户界面开发工具的设计方法。

    This paper presents a designing method for a separate type of MIS user interface development tool to separate user interface from MIS and to independently design the MIS user interface development tool .

  9. 建立了加载在空心柱体上的转速与该光纤Bragg光栅空心柱体式粘度仪的Bragg波长移位值关系的传感模型。

    Established the sensor model based on a linear relation between the load speed on the hollow cylinder with the Bragg wavelength shift of hollow cylinder-type fiber Bragg grating viscometer . 3 .

  10. 此外,用本实验的KTP晶体制作了体式高速行波电光调制器,半波电压760V,脉冲响应时间快到297ps。

    Bulk high-speed traveling wave E-O modulator was also fabricated , the half-wave voltage is just 760 V , response time of the device is low up to 297 ps.

  11. LRC串联电路稳态特性的计算机仿真深海多体式浮式结构物稳性优化计算

    A Computer Simulation on the Steady-state Characteristic of LRC Series Circuit ; Optimal calculation on stability of MFS in deepwater

  12. 主要内容如下:1.利用空心柱体式粘度仪中空心柱体所受扭矩与粘度成一定函数关系,研制了一种弹性空心柱体结构的光纤Bragg光栅空心柱体式粘度仪。

    The main contents are as follows : 1.The use of hollow cylinder-type viscometer and the Suffered in the hollow cylinder torque and viscosity as a certain function . Developed a flexible hollow cylindrical structure of fiber Bragg grating hollow cylinder-type viscometer .

  13. 通过对3-HSS并联机床装配矢量链分析,提出了整体式和分体式两种修配装配工艺方案。

    By the analysis of assembly vector chain of3-HSS parallel machine , two schemes of assembly process are proposed .

  14. 结果表明:户式中央空调比传统的分体式空调节能近40%,以上海地区为代表的东部地区为例,全年运行能节电3000多kWh,具有显著的节能效果。

    Compared to separate air-conditioning , residential central air-conditioning can economize 40 % energy . Take the east of Shanghai for example , residential central air-conditioning can save more than 3000 degree electricity , shows significant effect of energy saving .

  15. 高原现场人体实验研制高原分体式弥散供氧系统,并利用该系统在海拔3500m高原建立氧浓度25.49%±0.26%富氧室(生理等效高度约2100m)。

    Human subjects experimentation on the high altitude scene At high altitude of 3500m above sea level , the oxygen enriched room with the oxygen concentration of 25.49 % ± 0.26 % ( physiologically equivalent altitude about 2100m ) was built by utilizing high altitude diffusion oxygen-supply system .

  16. 通过对不同聚磁结构参数电磁铁I-B关系的系列实验和对实验数据的整理与分析,得出了有聚磁效应的分体式开口电磁铁磁隙磁感应强度计算的经验公式。

    Based on the I-B relation experiments of the different magnetism-collected structure parameter electromagnets and the analysis on the experimental data , a experienced formula is obtained , which can calculate the intensity of magnetization in magnetic gap of separate electromagnet with the magnetism-collected structure .

  17. 浅议蒸汽冷凝水的有效利用利用冷凝水来提高分体式空调器的能效比

    Using condensation water of split air-conditioning to raise energy efficiency ratio

  18. 抒情小说体式的拓展和陌生化叙事&《呼兰河传》解读

    Stylistic Development of Lyric Fiction and Unfamiliarized Narration about Hulan River

  19. 主客体式光折变聚合物中空间明孤子的动态演化特性

    Dynamical evolution of spatial bright solitons propagating in guest-host photorefractive polymers

  20. 研究表明,投加混凝剂能提高渗透通量,且分体式混凝-动态膜工艺的渗透通量比一体式大33%左右;

    The results showed that adding coagulant could improve permeation flux .

  21. 第二部分从音乐文化的角度对花间词的文学体式进行了分析。

    The second part analyses the literary form of Huajian Ci-poetry .

  22. 动力作用下块体式基础竖向振幅的计算研究

    Research on vertical amplitude calculation of block foundation under dynamic action

  23. 即使在体式之间过渡时也试着保持山式。

    Try to maintain Tadasana even during the transitions between asanas .

  24. 一拖一分体式空调机模糊控制系统

    One to One Separate Body Model Air Conditioner Fuzzy Control System

  25. 其他类型的瑜伽并不都教这些体式。

    They are not always taught in other styles of yoga .

  26. 800m~3开体式耙吸挖泥船电气系统设计

    Electric system designed for 800 m 3 open drag suction dredger

  27. 分体式不锈钢搅拌桨设计改进

    Design Improvement on Stainless Steel Mixer Oar of Several Parts

  28. 双套冠及杆附着体式覆盖义齿的咀嚼功能研究

    A study of masticatory function of the telescope and bar attachment overdentures

  29. 套叠桥体式固定桥的临床应用

    The clinical application of the telescopic pontic of fixed bridge

  30. 那你怎么知道我在进行体式时看到什么?

    How do you know what I see when I do asana ?