
  • 网络Experiential Education;EXPERIMENTAL EDUCATION
  1. 体验式教育是促进大学生全面发展的重要途径

    Experiential Education & The Important Way to Promote College Students ' All-round Development

  2. 浅议高职教育与中间阶层培育的关系大学人格培育体系中体验式教育探究

    On the Relationship between Vocational Education and Cultivating the Middle Class ; On Experiential Education in Personality Cultivation System of Universities

  3. 文化体验式教育&企业培训到企业教育的发展战略研究

    Cultural Experience of Education & The Study of Development Strategy of Entrepreneurial Training to the Education Enterprise

  4. 先学后教,以学定教,不教而教的体验式教育模式的基本理念,建构在体验式教育的哲学、心理学、教育学的基础之上。

    The basic concepts in the experience-oriented education model are learning before teaching , teaching based on learning , and teaching without instruction .

  5. 由于体验式教育模式的特点与生命教育是相符的,通过具体分析,将体验式教育模式引入生命教育是可行的。第二部分是体验式生命教育这一模式的基本理论。

    Through analysis , It is feasible to introduce the experiential education model . The second part is he basic theory of experiential life education model .

  6. 实施体验式教育是师范院校培养自主发展型教师的重要教育形式,是小学教育专业构建学术与专业一体化教育模式的重要组成部分,体现了小学教育专业人才培养与需要的整体性建设的思想。

    It is important for the normal university to train the teachers with the leaning through practice . The primary education is the important part of elementary education .

  7. 体验式教育能够为小学新课程标准的实施培养具有开放式的知识结构、较强的综合能力、创造性地完成教学任务的小学教师。

    The education of learning through practice can help the schoolteachers to complete the teaching work by creating , improve the comprehensive ability and carry out the standard of new courses .

  8. 本章对大学生体验式就业教育的组织机构、运行机制的建立给出了方案。

    This chapter provides organizations , agencies and operational mechanism plans .

  9. 关于在小学中实施体验式道德教育模式的行动研究

    The Action Research about Applying Experiencing Moral Education Pattern in Primary School

  10. 高职院校自主体验式德育教育与管理模式的建构

    Construction of an Autonomous Experiential Moral Education & Managing Model in Vocational Education Colleges

  11. 这种以体验式营养教育为依托的营养宣教提供了一个新的模式。

    This experience type nutrition education based on nutrition mission offers a new model .

  12. 第五部分是在论证高校德育的意义与作用之后,重点论述了体验式道德教育的设计、发生及因此而不同的分类。

    Part V elaborated on the design , occurrence and classification of experience moral education .

  13. 第二部分:开展大学生体验式就业教育是形势发展提出的新要求。

    Chapter II To develop the experience employment education for university students is the new requirement .

  14. 其次,探索建立在实践基础上的体验式情感教育的特点和方式。

    Secondly , we should explore the features and approaches of experiential emotional education based on practices .

  15. 论青少年体验式法制教育模式的建构这种布局方式在徽州地区是比较少见的。

    On Establishing the Experienced Legal Education Model for Youth ; This appearance is rare less seen in Huizhou area .

  16. 第三部分是对体验式道德教育的理论论述和实证研究,包括对其涵义、特征和原则的详细阐述。

    The third part elaborated on the theory of moral education and empirical research , including its meaning , characteristics and principles in detail .

  17. 第四部分是在对体验式道德教育理论论述的基础上,分析传统德育模式的弊端,凸显体验式道德教育对传统德育模式的超越。

    The IV part analyzed drawbacks of the traditional model on the basic of experiential theory and moral education in order to highlight the superiority of experience moral education .

  18. 拓展训练是以体验式的教育方法来培养人们良好心理品质、提高综合素质的一种动态教育模式。

    Outward bound is a kind of dynamic state educational model , it can foster the people of good psychology quality and improve the people 's comprehensive quality by experienced-liked educational method .

  19. 体验式教师教育模式包括四个要素:教育观念的体验,教育思维方式的体验,教育教学的方法、技术和艺术的体验,教师的教育风格类型的体验。

    In the mode there are four important factors : the experience of educational concepts , experience of educational way of thinking , experience of teaching methods , techniques and arts , and experience of educational style .

  20. 该部分首先详细阐述了体验式生命教育模式从低到高三个不同层级的具体目标,包括感受生命、理解生命、对生命危机的干预等等。

    That part of the first detailed model of experiential life education from low to high in three different levels of specific objectives , including the feelings of life , understanding the lives of critical interventions to wait .

  21. 并指出,移情培养应作为早期道德教育、体验式道德教育的一条重要途径,遵循人际关系亲琉层次是移情培养与道德教育实施的基本途径。

    The author suggests that the cultivation of empathy is an important way for early moral education and moral education based on one 's experiences , and that following the intimate levels of interpersonal relationship is a fundamental way for empathy fostering and moral education .

  22. 同时,这种体验式的实验教育成为化学师资培训课程的新内容,为化学师资培训提供了一个新的平台。

    Meanwhile , we try to develop and apply a new method for the chemistry teacher-training curriculum .

  23. 体验式学习在教育领域得到了充分的支持与长足的发展。

    In the field of education , experiential learning has been full supported and got considerable development .

  24. 文章最后一部分是对道德教育回归生活世界途径的一点探索,道德教育要关注人的生命,在道德教育过程中提倡体验式的道德教育和对话式的道德教育。

    The last part of article is some exploration of the route of the moral education of life word ; moral education should pay close attention to people 's life , pay close attention to experience and dialogue .

  25. 教育写作的自我授权一次困难的自言自语的记录实施体验式学校道德教育,必须植根于生活世界的沃土,引发道德体验的源泉;

    Self-authorization in Writing on Education : A Record of a Difficult Monologue The experiencing of school moral education should be the education from context to human , from monologue to dialogue , from moral knowledge to moral itself and from input to quality .

  26. 体验式学习耦合于教育实习的理论价值

    Theoretical Value of Applying Experiential Learning to Teaching Practicum