
  • 网络sports system
  1. 国内外职业体育制度的比较及思考

    Comparison and Thought on Professional Sports System both Here and Abroad

  2. 加强高校校园体育制度建设是一个复杂的系统工程。

    Strengthening the campus sports system construction is a complex systematic work .

  3. 日本体育制度改革对竞技体育的影响

    Influence on Competitive Sports by the Reform of Japan Sports System

  4. 体育制度化建设中的法治问题

    The Rule of Law in the Construction of Sports Institutionalization

  5. 论西方发达国家职业体育制度的源起及其变迁

    Origin of Western Developed Countries ′ Professional Sports Institution and Its Change

  6. 关于我国职业体育制度问题的研究

    Research on the Problems of Professional Sport System in China

  7. 运动技术发展是社会需要的产物,作为社会需要的具体体现是体育制度安排。

    The development of sport technique is a product of social needs .

  8. 台湾体育制度与大陆体育教育体系的比较与分析

    Analysis of the Physical Education Systems of Both Taiwan and the Mainland

  9. 西方职业体育制度变迁的比较研究

    A Comparison Research on the Professional System Between China and the West

  10. 后奥运期我国竞技体育制度框架创新的研究

    Research on Chinese Athletics System Frame Innovation of Post-Olympic

  11. 试论我国体育制度改革的取向

    A Tentative Analysis of the Orientation of the Reformation of Our Educational System

  12. 社会体育制度化进程问题的思考

    Reflection on the Course Question of Social Sports Institution

  13. 我国职业体育制度变迁的方式、路径及相关问题研究

    Research on the Mode and Path of Institutional Change of Professional Sports in China

  14. 美国职业体育制度的起源、演化和创新&对中国职业体育制度创新的启示

    Origin , Evolution and Innovation of American Professional Sports System and Its Enlightenment to China

  15. 从社会学的角度审视体育制度的构成要素与功能

    Carefully Examines the Sports System from the Sociological Angle the Integrant Part and the Function

  16. 运动技术发展的特征、不确定性与竞技体育制度安排

    Research on the Uncertainty of the Development of Sport Technology and the System Arrangement of Competitive Sports

  17. 中国职业体育制度的形成及其运动员人力资本产权制度安排的合法性

    The Developmental Process of Professional Sports System of China and the Arrangement Validity of Human Capital Property Rights System

  18. 美国体育制度的潜能在于它能够让最大范围的运动员获得资金和机会。

    The potency of the U.S. system is its ability to spread money and opportunity to the broadest spectrum of athletes .

  19. 我国竞技体育制度框架经历了孕育与初创阶段、尝试性创新阶段、多元化创新阶段。

    Our athletics system frame has experienced the stages of nurturing , creating , attempting to innovate and diversifying to innovate .

  20. 我国的职业体育制度正处在不断变动和调整的过程中,从动态的角度看,职业体育的制度变迁将以渐进式方式展开。

    From the point of view of development , Institutional change of professional sports in China will be launched in progressive way .

  21. 体育制度变迁与创新是体育制度的创立、变更及随着时间变动而被打破的过程。

    The sports institutions change and innovation are the process of which sports institution establishing , changing and breaking as time passing .

  22. 此外还分析了体育制度的功能:行为导向功能、社会整合功能、文化传递功能。

    In additions also has analyzed the sports system function : Behavior guidance function , social conformity function , cultural transmission function .

  23. 旨在从理论上进一步说明目前产生职业体育制度调整阻力的原因,试图为我国的职业体育制度创新与发展提供理论依据。

    The main purpose is to further explain the reason of professional system adjusted obstruction and try to provide theoretical basis on professional sports system innovation and development .

  24. 民国时期(1927-1949年)的中学学校体育制度是在借鉴国外先进学校体育制度的基础上,与中国实际相结合从而建立自己的学校体育制度。

    China middle school physical education system ( 1927-1949 ) was built up through introducing into foreign advanced system and combining it with the matter of fact of China .

  25. 外部因素有:来自社会政治、社会经济、学校体育制度和体育课程实施的组织与领导的影响,并进行了对策分析。

    The external factors are that : from social politics 、 social economy 、 PE system of school and the influence factors from organization and lead for PE curriculum implementation .

  26. 制度创新的路径有三个阶段组成,即初始阶段的职业体育制度调整必将选择政府主导型的形式展开;

    There is three stages to form in the path of institutional innovation : Government dominated mode would be a main mode at the beginning of institutional adjustment of professional sports ;

  27. 描述了高校体育制度在各个历史阶段的特征,对了解中国建国以来中国普通高校体育的改革与发展具有重要意义。

    It describes the characteristic of each historical stage and it is of great importance to look into the reformation and development of sports system in universities and colleges since the establishment of China .

  28. 为了确保新旧制度衔接顺利,还应有步骤地、渐进式地推进中国竞技体育制度的整体改革和创新。

    In order to ensure that new and old system cohesion smoothly , and shall also have to step forward , gradual of competitive sports in China of the whole system reform and innovation .

  29. 农村中小学校园课外活动、课外训练、课外竞赛、社团建设、校园体育制度、建设现状。

    The village elementary and middle schools campus extracurricular activity , the extracurricular training , the extracurricular competition , construction of the mass organization , the campus sports system , the construction present situation questionnaire survey .

  30. 理性的分析,大胆的尝试,博百家教育思想之长,并对其进行有机的结合,进一步完善与健全我国学校体育制度。

    The rational analysis , the bold attempt , abundant hundred educate long of thought that and carries on the organic union to it , further consummates with improves Our country School sports system . 3 .