
  1. 编辑理念的变革主要集中在办刊中充分体现主体意识、策划意识和创新意识。

    It functions mainly on the completed embodiment of subjective , scheme and creative .

  2. 广播媒体如何体现平民意识

    Broadcast media how embody democratic consciousness

  3. 湘教版在体现创新意识上做出了很多尝试。

    People Education printing plate in the embodiment of " innovation " has made a try .

  4. 学科指向明显,体现学科意识;

    Subjects pointing is evident ;

  5. 法律意识形态集中体现法律意识的实质。法律意识的实质是具有价值判断功能的法律价值观。

    Legal ideology epitomizes the nature of legal consciousness which is the legal values with the function of value judgment .

  6. 李敬敏的《探索与争鸣》首先值得肯定的是较早提出了充分体现革新意识的学科建设思路,有力推动了高校文艺理论教改的步伐。

    In his book Exploration and Contending , Li Jingmin proposed a train of thinking to establish courses that can give expressions to new ideology .

  7. 要通过信息、理念、情感和即时四项服务来体现关怀意识;

    The concern consciousness is reflected by information , theory , feeling and four immediate service , expressed by accurate and vividly language symbol and non-language symbol .

  8. 为了在产品系统中体现环境意识,提出了减小产品环境影响的环境价值链分析方法。

    To increase environmental protection awareness in product system , Life Cycle Assessment ( LCA ) was adopted widely to evaluate quantitatively the lifecycle environmental impact of products .

  9. 从调查结果反馈显示得出这三个方面集中体现在意识、文化、行为、制度四个层面上的结论。

    Feedback obtained from the survey results showed that three aspects are embodied in consciousness , culture , behavior , the system of four levels on the conclusions .

  10. 编辑工作中体现读者意识,就要关注主流读者,满足读者需求,策划活动吸引读者,提高读者。

    To embody reader consciousness , editors should pay close attention to main-stream readers , satisfy readers ' needs , arrange activities to attract readers and improve readers ' interest .

  11. 在应用文写作中体现公关意识能够满足受体的心理需要和精神需求,使应用文更具人性化,更富有人情味。

    Embodying the consciousness of public relations in practical writing can satisfy acceptors ' psychological needs and spiritual demand , which can make it more humane and richer in human nature .

  12. 其次,通过采取多种途径培养大学生危机意识:集中强化危机意识,多渠道渗透危机意识,教学评估中体现危机意识指标等。

    Secondly , through adopting multiple approaches to cultivate college students ' crisis consciousness : crisis consciousness , multi-channel concentrated strengthening infiltration crisis consciousness , teaching evaluation are reflected in crisis consciousness index , etc.

  13. 中国女翻译家受西方女性主义的影响,用女性的视角,凭借女性的亲身体验,重塑真实女性形象,在她们的译著中体现女性意识的萌芽。

    Influenced by western feminism , the Chinese female translators have forged real female images from female point of view , which is based on their personal experience and shows buds of feminism awareness in their translation works .

  14. 从而心理时间成为小说时间叙述结构的主体,突破了按时间顺序叙述的传统方式,丰富了小说叙述的时间观念,体现下意识本身具有的特点&自由、灵活、不受客观时间的限制。

    Thus psychological time becomes the main temporal narrative structure that breaks the conventional way of chronological organization , enriches temporal concept of fictional narration and embodies the characteristics of consciousness itself that is free and not restrained by objective time .

  15. 国民经济核算体系由于没有体现环境意识,在经济分析中忽视了环境因素,忽视了环境与经济活动之间的相互关系,大大削弱了国民核算帐户体系的经济分析功能。

    In the System of National Accounting , the environmental consciousness is ignored , the environmental factors are ignored in economic analysis and the mutual relation between environment and economic activity is also ignored . So , the economic analysis function is greatly weakened .

  16. 制定和实施建设海峡西岸经济区战略,必须体现超前意识与现实取向的统一、物质文明与精神文明的统一、重点建设与全面发展的统一、科学发展观和科学人才观的统一。

    In philosophical view , constructing the economic zone in the west side of strait reflects the dialectical unity between leading consciousness and realistic orientation , material civilization and spiritual civilization , major construction and comprehensive development , scientific development outlook and scientific talent outlook .

  17. 应用文作为公共关系传播、沟通和协调的重要工具,能否有利于主体事业发展和社会文明进步,很大程度上取决于体现公关意识程度的高低。

    Whether practical writing , as an important tool of the spread , communication and coordination of public relations , benefits the development of main careers and social progress of civilization , it depends on the standard of the consciousness of public relations for the most part .

  18. 智者运动体现了创新意识。③运动。

    Exercise . Besides , the movement manifests people 's sense of innovation .

  19. 孔子诗学是以诗教有核心的,在孔子诗教中体现了诗性意识。

    Confucian poetry is focused on its enlightenment and embodies the lyric consciousness .

  20. 试论李白月亮诗中所体现的自我意识

    The Self-Consciousness Reflected from LI Bai 's Poems on the " Moon "

  21. 如何在建筑设计中体现美的意识

    Expression of aesthetic sense in architectural design

  22. 初唐诗人生活的各个方面无不体现着生命意识。

    Tang Dynasty poet , embodies all aspects of life are all conscious of life .

  23. 在社区参与上,体现出参与意识薄弱和参与能力缺乏的特征。

    In the community participation , they show the characteristics of weak participation awareness and lack of ability .

  24. 而从土掌房的文化内涵角度则可见其体现了家族意识、宗教伦理意识等。

    We also found that the culture of the house reflected the sense of family and religious ethic .

  25. 大学生对足球运动的理解,不只限于看球和评球,更多的是体现在参与意识上。

    University students ′ understanding of football game is only not within the range of watching and remarking .

  26. 这种虚无思想主要体现在焦虑意识,孤独意识,痛苦意识三个方面。

    The nihilism spirit is mainly displayed in anxiety consciousness , the sense of loneliness and misery consciousness .

  27. 作品中人物形象所体现的死亡意识,具有民族传统文化精神;

    The death consciousness embodied by the character in the works that have a spirit of national traditional culture ;

  28. 主体意识是教育理论中国化的灵魂,是决定教育理论中国化成败的关键,其在教育理论中国化研究中主要体现为责任意识和自立意识。

    Highlight subject consciousness is soul of pedagogy Chinesization and it determines the key to success of pedagogy Chinesization .

  29. 第三章则论述了春树小说中所体现的女性意识的市场化:性的市场化和女性反叛精神的市场化。

    The third chapter discusses the market feminism reflected in the novels of ChunShu : marketization of sex and female rebel .

  30. 小说对主要人物的塑造,暗合了两性同体是完美人格的体现这一意识。

    The characterization of the main figures in the novel coincides with the awareness of androgyny which reflects a perfect personality .