
  • 网络attack defence
  1. 现代足球运动攻击性防守探讨

    A Probe in to the Aggressive Defence Tactics of Modern Football

  2. 影响现代篮球攻击性防守质量的若干因素探讨

    A Probe into Several Factors Affecting Modern Basketball 's Offensive Defense Quality

  3. 新规则下运用篮球攻击性防守的必要性

    An Analysis on the Necessity of Aggressive Defense Under the New Regulations

  4. 对我国男篮运动攻击性防守诸因素的分析研究

    Analysis on Factors of Attacking Defense of Our Basketball Team

  5. 浅谈篮球攻击性防守战术&夹击

    On the Tactics of Basketball Offensive Defence ── Double Attack

  6. 篮球攻击性防守的若干问题探讨

    Probe to Several Problems of Attacking Defence in Basketball

  7. 论攻击性防守在篮球比赛中的地位

    Discussion on Status of Offensive Defense in Basketball Competition

  8. 攻击性防守是一种积极主动的防守战术。

    Basketball attacking defense and methods of its training ;

  9. 防守基本功不扎实,攻击性防守运用不理想。

    The basic defence skill is lower and lose ability to using offensive defence skill .

  10. 谈对篮球前锋队员的攻击性防守

    On Attacking Defense against Basketball From Players

  11. 论篮球的攻击性防守

    Discussion on Attacking Defence of Basketball

  12. 篮球攻击性防守的发展及我国的现状与对策

    Development of the Offensive Defence in Basketball and the Current Situation and Methods used in China

  13. 攻击性防守技术手段的运用是攻击性防守意识的重要标志和具体体现。

    The application of aggressive steal-pass is important symbol and idiographic embodiment of the aggressively defensive consciousness .

  14. 强化攻击性防守在高校篮球专项课教学中的应用研究

    The Applied Research on how to Strong then Aggressive Defenses to the Basketball Specialties Teaching in Higher Education

  15. 论现代篮球攻击性防守的技战术特点(四)战略防御和战略进攻;

    Characteristics of Defense Strategy in Modern Basketball ; ( 4 ) the strategic defensive and the strategic offensive ;

  16. 没有攻击性防守就体现不出来防守中时间和空间的优势。

    Defense did not attack them on the defensive is not reflected in the advantages of time and space . 4 .

  17. 攻击性防守是现代篮球运动防守的主流,它由个人防守技术和全队防守战术两个方面组成。

    By means of statistics , the present paper has analyzed the defensive techniques and tactics of the Chinese Mens Basketball Team .

  18. 技战术水平是影响进攻速度快慢的决定性因素.防守力度(尤其是攻击性防守)是提高篮球比赛进攻速度的重点。

    Technical and tactical level are key factors to attacking speed in basketball games , with defending power ( especially attacking defence ) as main factor .

  19. 第29届奥运会中外女篮大前锋攻防能力比较分析中外男篮优秀大前锋队员攻击性防守比较研究

    A Comparative Analysis on the Attacking and Defense Ability of Chinese and Foreign Women 's Basketball Power Forward in the 29 ~ ( th ) Olympic Games

  20. 全场紧逼防守是一种建立在个人攻击性防守技术基础上、出其不意使用的、对进攻方破坏性极大的整体防守战术。

    Full court press defense is a kind of overall defensive tactics based on personal aggressive defense technology , which is very destructive and is used suddenly .

  21. 研究结果如下:1、我国攻击性防守的技战术水平与世界强队相比还有一定差距,战术打法有待完善。

    A certain gap exists in the level of aggressive defense tactics between Chinese teams and powerful teams worldwide . The skills and tactics also need improving .

  22. 为提高篮球攻击性防守的训练水平,从攻防关系和规则的改动两个方面进行探讨。

    In order to enhance the training level of attacking defence in basketball , the article discusses something from the relationship between attacking and defence and its rules .

  23. 从攻击性防守的概念入手,对篮球攻击性防守的特点及攻击性防守的训练等问题进行了综合分析。

    In the paper , the concept of attacking defense is discussed , its features are comprehensively analyzed and then the concrete methods of relative training are provided .

  24. 我国优秀男篮队员个人进攻对抗能力的测量与评定中外男篮优秀大前锋队员攻击性防守比较研究

    THE MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION OF THE ABILITIES OF MALE INDIVIDUAL OFFENSIVE AND ANTAGONISM OF EXCELLENT CHINESE BASKETBALLERS The Comparative Research on the Active Defense Technique of Excellent Domestic and Overseas Man Basketball Power Forwards

  25. 现代篮球运动技战术的发展加快了攻守转换的速度、增强对抗的激烈程度,尤其是攻击性防守的出现,对运动员体能提出更高的要求。

    Modern Basketball Technical and Tactical Development accelerated the pace of attack and defense conversion , increase the intensity of confrontation , particularly the emergence of aggressive defense , physical fitness of athletes higher demands .

  26. 随着运动员身体素质、技术、战术、智力及心理素质水平的不断提高,以及规则的不断完善,防守已经进入攻击性防守阶段【61】。

    With the athletes physical , technical , tactical , mental and psychological level of the continuous improvement of quality , as well as the rules continued to be refined , aggressive defense has entered the defense phase .

  27. 从篮球运动攻击性防守的历史演进入手,根据篮球运动的内在规律与比赛的外在表现,对攻击性防守的特征表现、构成要素、哲学意义及价值进行了分析。

    Through historical evolution of basketball aggressive defence , according to internal law and external manifestation of match , the write carries on a research on the characteristics of aggressive defence , forms element , philosophy meaning and value .

  28. 在对手猝不及防、惊慌失措之时,施以重兵在防守重点区域,对持球人进行攻击性防守,以明显的防守效益,扭转比赛趋势。

    When the opponents are caught off guard and in a panic , we can put the strong defender at the main defensive area , and take offensive defense against the ball-holder , so we can reverse the game trend by obvious defense .

  29. 对篮球攻击性防守的一些问题进行探讨,阐述攻击性防守的发展过程、特点及本质,分析攻击性防守与身体、体能、心理及规则、裁判的关系。

    Several questions about basketball offensive defence are discussed by analyzing the development , characteristics and traits of the offensive defence , this paper vivid-ly describes the relation between the offensive defence and body , physical fitness , psychology , rules and the judging of referees .

  30. 研究表明,对攻击性防守的概念、特点、作用和原则及存在的问题进行分析、研究,提高运动员对攻击性防守的认识,对运动员进行意识、素质、个人防守能力的训练很有帮助。

    The study shows that analysis and research on its concept , features , functions , principles and existence will definitely be of great help for the training of the athletes ' sense , character and individual defense ability , with the improvement of their understanding of attack defense .