
ɡōnɡ jī lì
  • aggressivity;offensive capability
  1. 飞鱼导弹是他们最有攻击力的武器。

    Their most potent weapon was the Exocet missile

  2. 弧圈球运动理论及其攻击力探析

    The Probe of the Loop Drive Theory and its Attack Capability

  3. 提高地狱守卫的物理攻击力20%(恩。还不错。我喜欢地狱守卫,)

    Glyph of Felguard-Increases your Felguard 's physical damage by20 % .

  4. 赏金猎人的疾风步攻击力和魔法消耗上升。

    Bounty Hunter wind Walk damage and mana cost improved .

  5. 提高个人攻击力。

    And it improves the individual 's strength of attacking .

  6. 炮兵部队只能稍微减弱敌人的攻击力。

    The artillery could only attenuate somewhat the force of the attack .

  7. (战斗中,更高的力量可以产生更大的物理攻击力。)

    In battle , a higher Str stat causes more physical damage .

  8. 中国男篮前锋攻击力的研究

    Study on the Chinese men 's basketball teams forward attack

  9. 下面我们为大家盘点了六类最有攻击力的黑客。

    Here are six of the most effective actors .

  10. 提高腿法攻击力的训练初探

    A Study on Improving Attack Strength by Leg-method Training

  11. 一级-召唤一个具有一般攻击力的地域火。

    Level 1 - Summons an Infernal with weak Pulverize and average attack .

  12. 攻击力随蓄力时间的增加而增加。

    Damage increases as the attack is charged longer .

  13. 非常有攻击力和运用思考的竞争者。

    A contestant who is very aggressive and willing to use underhand methods .

  14. 收集浮动的武器增加你的攻击力。

    Collect floating weapons to get more fire power .

  15. 恐怖熊形态近身攻击力增加。

    Dire Bear form 's melee damage increased .

  16. 我看了几场,他们攻击力很好。

    I 've watched a few games and they have some pace up front .

  17. 秘法射击现在可以从远程攻击力里得到加强。

    Arcane Shot benefits from ranged attack power .

  18. 缺点:战斗时间变长,低攻击力。

    Disadvantages : Slow battles , less damage .

  19. 能增加附近300范围内的友方单位基础远程攻击力的光环。

    An aura that gives friendly nearby units bonus damage to their ranged attacks .

  20. 每时每刻都要注意防守,他们攻击力很强。

    We need to defend all the time because they 're a good team .

  21. 实际攻击力没有受到影响。

    Their actual damage was not affected .

  22. 发出核动力的攻击力

    Unleash the forces of nuclear power

  23. 每一级增加哨戒无人机攻击力5%。

    Skill at controlling sentry drones . 5 % bonus to Sentry Drone damage per level .

  24. 没有冒犯或攻击力的。

    Incapable of offending or attacking .

  25. 关于烈火箭的问题(界值的最大攻击力)虽然你还没有点满它。

    Questions concerning inferno ( max damage with crit ); you haven 't got it maxed though .

  26. 每一级提升大型磁轨炮5%的攻击力。

    Operation of large hybrid turret . 5 % Bonus to large hybrid turret damage per level .

  27. 狂咬:川德尔撕咬他的敌人,造成伤害,并枯竭他们一部分攻击力。

    Rabid Bite : Trundle bites his opponent , dealing damage and sapping some of their attack damage .

  28. 走进去,他注意到一个完全没有攻击力的老猎狗在收银柜台旁边睡觉。

    Inside , he noticed a harmless old hound dog asleep on the floor beside the cash register .

  29. 信号枪是为一少数攻击力不因为距离而上升或下降的武器。

    The Flare Gun is one of the few weapons not subject to distance indexed damage falloff or ramp up .

  30. 优势:难以置信的运动员,很强壮,攻击力很强,完美的防守,很好的篮板手。

    Strengths : Incredible athlete , incredibly strong , great attacker , picture perfect defensive tools , very good rebounder .