
gōng dú
  • assiduously study;diligently study;study hard;work hard at;specialize in;study
攻读 [gōng dú]
  • (1) [specialize in]∶专攻,主修一门学科以便获得该学科的学位和文凭

  • 他正在哈佛攻读法学博士学位

  • (2) [diligently study]∶勤勉地读书、学习或研究

  • 十年坚持攻读马列著作

攻读[gōng dú]
  1. 我希望攻读化学学位课程。

    I 'm hoping to do a chemistry degree .

  2. 她在攻读管理学文凭课程。

    She is taking a diploma in management studies .

  3. 她在攻读法学学位。

    She 's reading for a law degree .

  4. 她正在攻读博士学位。

    She 's studying for her doctorate .

  5. 这是她给所有报名者设置的第二期住校攻读的课程。

    This is her second season offering residential courses for all-comers .

  6. 他现在就读于萨里大学,攻读数学学位。

    He is now reading for a maths degree at Surrey University .

  7. 如果我想攻读学位,必须先被录取入学。

    I had to matriculate if I wanted to do a degree .

  8. 我正通过远程教育课程攻读神学学位。

    I 'm doing a theology degree by distance learning .

  9. 计算才能对于攻读这个学位的学生有益处。

    An aptitude for computing is beneficial for students taking this degree .

  10. 攻读学位增强了我的自信,使我更加了解自己。

    Doing a degree has increased my confidence and I feel much more self-aware .

  11. 她在研究生院攻读社会福利工作学硕士学位。

    She was in graduate school , studying for a master 's degree in social work .

  12. 他正在大连大学攻读硕士学位。

    He is studying for a master 's degree at Dalian University .

  13. 他们在攻读英语,以便能阅读莎士比亚原著。

    They are studying English in order to read Shakespeare in the original .

  14. 他在攻读物理学。

    He is working hard at physics .

  15. 她在哪里攻读博士?

    Where did she do her doctorate ?

  16. 伏案攻读,移晷忘倦。

    I sat at the table reading , and hours passed without fatigue .

  17. 我女儿是一名大学毕业生,正在攻读英语硕士学位。

    My daughter is a university graduate working toward her master 's degree in English .

  18. 攻读学位是我一生中最好的经历之一。

    Studying for a degree was one of the best experiences of my life .

  19. 用她的话说,她想以后去弗吉尼亚理工大学攻读家禽科学专业。

    In her words , she wants to go to Virginia Tech for poultry sciences in the future .

  20. 所有攻读英语的本科生每周上一次导师辅导课。

    All undergraduates reading English attend a turtorial group each week .

  21. 攻读学生数量破10万的另外两个专业是计算机科学(10万7250个学位)和语言类(10万3545个学位)。

    The other two subjects that have over 100000 students are Computer Science ( 107250 ) and Languages ( 103545 ) .

  22. 全国排行第二的健康类专业的热度上升了159%,选择攻读这类专业的学生有5万2134人,是16年前的两倍多。

    The popularity of Health majors has increased by 159 % , with 52134 choosing to study in this area , making it more than twice as popular as 16 years ago and holding second place nationally .

  23. 英国高等教育统计局将其归功于非全日制学生数量的增多,2015-2016学年和2016-2017学年攻读创意艺术与设计专业的学生增加了19%。

    The Higher Education Statistics Agency attributes this popularity to the increase in part-time students , among which there was a 19 % increase in students studying Creative Arts & Design between 2015 / 16 and 2016 / 17 .

  24. 听了妻子的这番话,乐羊子深深地感动了。他马上告别了妻子,去远方发愤攻读,整整七年没有回家,最后终于学成功了。

    Deeply moved by his wife 's words , Le Yangzi bid farewell to her at once , went to the faraway place , and made determined10 efforts to study hard . He had been away from home for a good seven years , and finally succeeded in his studies .

  25. 我在伦敦城市大学(cityuniversity)攻读了银行和系统科学我之所以选择伦敦,就是因为我如此着迷于音乐。

    I studied banking and systems science at City University - I chose London because I was so into music .

  26. 攻读mba是一项不错的投资,这一点毋庸置疑。

    There is no doubt that an MBA is a good investment .

  27. 举个例子来说,“如果我已经完成了攻读课程的大部分,在那个课程上我就应得B。”

    For example : " If I have completed most of the reading for a class , I deserve a B in that course . "

  28. 近几年攻读MBA学位的人数持续增加。

    The MBA has grown in popularity for years .

  29. 简单的答案是攻读MBA。

    The short answer is do the MBA .

  30. 我认为,攻读MBA迫使你走出安逸的环境。

    I think that studying for an MBA forces you outside your comfort zone .