- Troll;censure;rake up sb.'s past and attack him;expose sb.'s past misdeeds;flay

[rake up sb.'s past and attack him;flay;censure] 揭发他人的过失或隐私而加以攻击(多指因个人或派系利害矛盾)
Men can be unbelievably vicious about each other .
Art critic and historian , School of the Art Institute of Chicago .
He is too experienced an artist to be worried by what the critics say .
Partying , even for a good cause , is still an easy target for the media .
Disarray and recriminations within NATO hobble the single most effective potential tool for Western military intervention overseas .
How long can the currency undervaluation blame game or the finger-pointing about the fuelling of inflation last ?
The candidates had no good ideas of their own , so they just took cheap shots at each other .
While his administration has been attacked , the president has been spared the personal vitriol regularly directed at his predecessor .
Jews abroad see Israel as increasingly backward and irrelevant to them , and Jews of different streams within Israel are at loggerheads .
Analysts release their data on initial quality or customer satisfaction at the same time every year , generating the predictable finger pointing and recriminations .
In China , blamestorming takes place on the Internet when netizens post a series of accusations following an accident before all the evidence is in .
Education receives critics from all the circles as it is pushed to the center of the society , for the reason that it oppressed the human nature .
Penalty of heavy ancient rare made full officers and Chinese officials as a result of enclosure to escape human mutual most caused internal division of the ruling group .
Though the film 's emotional tone is blurry toward the end it swerves away from farce and back toward anguish its social criticism could hardly be more clear .
The holiest of men , it appears , cannot be admitted to posthumous honours , until all that the devil could say against him is known and weighed .
To get rid of sanctions , England began to adjust its policy to Israel , so that their relationship went from bad to worse , and argued with each other .
I won 't put myself in such a beastly false position . The candidates had no good ideas of their own , so they just took cheap shots at each other .
Any such failure would lead to recriminations , which would then make it much easier for world leaders to embrace protectionism , on the old playground principle of you started it .