首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 可能曾会多么光辉地在绿颜色的海湾里舞蹈。

    Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay .

  2. 他很少来巴黎,马吕斯从来不曾会过他。

    He visited Paris very rarely , and so rarely that Marius had never seen him .

  3. 当然,我曾会为丈夫和其它候选人到全国各地举办竞选活动。

    Sure , I 'd campaigned all over the country , for my husband and for other candidates .

  4. 善良的人,当最后一浪过去,高呼他们脆弱的善行可能曾会多么光辉地在绿色的海湾里舞蹈,

    Good men , the last wave by , crying how bright Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay ,

  5. 于哲君(音)是复旦大学历史系的讲师,曾会为他们学院的学生讲授论文写作。

    Yu Zhejun , a lecturer of philosophy at Fudan University , used to offer thesis-writing lectures to students in his department .

  6. 邹吉甫因是第二个儿子养了孙子,接在东庄去住,不曾会着。

    Butas Zou Ji-Fu had gone to stay with his second son , whose wife had just been brought to bed of a son , Yang did not see him .

  7. 人们曾认为会放开护照管制。

    It had been thought that passport controls would be scrapped .

  8. 今年3月,人们确曾担心会出现第二次大萧条(GreatDepression),自那以来,股价出现了强劲反弹,这似乎是合理的。

    A strong recovery for share prices since March , when there was a real fear of a second Great Depression , seems reasonable .

  9. 他曾担心会出现盗版,而且他自始至终恳求粉丝们不要将该视频放到BT站点上。

    He was worried about piracy , and he 's been pleading with his fans to not put the video on bittorrent sites .

  10. 2014年12月,美联储曾表示会耐心对待加息问题。这一表态意味着,至少在其联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)随后两次会议中,该行不太可能采取加息措施。

    The Fed said in December it would be patient in raising interest rates , meaning it was unlikely to act for at least the subsequent two meetings of its Federal Open Market Committee .

  11. 但共和党领导人称,他们不会推行进一步举措,至少最开始不会,尽管肯塔基州共和党参议员、多数党领袖米奇·麦康奈尔(MitchMcConnell)曾承诺会给民主党提供修改这项立法的机会。

    But Republican leaders said they would go no further , at least at the outset , although Senator Mitch McConnell , Republican of Kentucky and the majority leader , promised Democrats the chance to amend the legislation .

  12. 他们曾许诺会全力支持我们。

    They have promised to back us to the hilt .

  13. 在我离开前,你曾承诺会永远爱我。

    You promised before I left that you 'll always love me .

  14. 该公司曾表示会考虑其它选择。

    It had said it would explore other options .

  15. 他曾承诺会在年底前采取行动。

    He had promised he would act by the end of the year .

  16. 今年,中国曾表示会取消最低收购价政策。

    China said this year it would scrap the minimum purchase price policy .

  17. 和其他一些人一样,我也曾担心会出现这个结果,现在也还是有这种担心。

    I am among those who feared this outcome , and I still do .

  18. 帕克斯夫人曾时不时会到蒙哥马利,

    And Ms. Parks used to come back to Montgomery every now and then ,

  19. 我从不曾幻想会经历如此完美时刻但现在…

    I never thought my Iife wouId have an absoIuteIy perfect moment , but this is -

  20. 你曾保证会有所行动

    You vowed to take action .

  21. 大卫·卡梅伦,保守党党魁,曾许诺会妥善安排界限重划的受害者。

    David Cameron , the Conservative leader , has vowed that boundary casualties will be looked after .

  22. 我们曾预期会减少10%,但现在看来已达到15%。

    We had hoped to be down 10 per cent but it looks like 15 per cent .

  23. 就在3月,晨曦集团曾表示会取消3月到7月间抵达的巴西大豆的订单。

    In March , Chenxi had said it would cancel orders for Brazilian cargoes arriving between March and July .

  24. 福克斯先生曾许诺会为国家进行改头换面的革新,但是他的许多提议在义不容辞的国会议谈中夭折了。

    Mr Fox had promised to transform the country , but many of his proposals failed in the incumbent congress .

  25. 请举例你曾预测会发生,结果真的发生的事例。然后你在事件发生后又是怎样处理的?

    Please tell me whether there is anything that you predict would happen , and happened , how did you handle it ?

  26. 看到伪善的欧洲人正在遭受他们曾预言会出现在亚洲身上的那类问题的打击,中国可能会感受到些许快意。

    It might get some satisfaction from seeing sanctimonious Europeans being hit by the kind of problems they once predicted for Asia .

  27. 在奥巴马向狂喜的支持者表示“就是这一刻”时(他是否曾承诺会降低海平面?)

    While Mr Obama was telling his ecstatic supporters that " this is the moment " did he even promise to lower the oceans ?

  28. 对此,纽约市长德布拉西奥曾表示会和抗议者团结一致,并公开表示要他的混血儿子格外小心警察。

    Mayor de Blasio had expressed solidarity with the protesters and had publicly wondered if his son , who is mixed-race , was safe from police .

  29. 各银行曾担心会被要求一次性持有大笔附加资本金。他们警告,此举将大幅削减盈利能力,抑制放贷与创新。

    Banks had feared that there would be a single large surcharge and warned that it would cut sharply into profitability and could dampen lending and innovation .

  30. 受累于建筑活动的放缓,9月份中国的钢材日产量下降至今年最低水平,而此前分析师们曾预计会出现增长。

    Prodded by slowing construction , steel production fell to its lowest daily level this year in September , countering analysts ' expectations that it would grow .