
  • 网络New Tribe;The New Horde
  1. 公元前508年,他从流放地被召回雅典,便将原来阿提卡岛上的四个部落解散,分成了10个新的部落区。

    Recalled from exile in508 , he broke the power of the four ancient tribes by dividing Attica into ten new tribal districts .

  2. 在第二次胡佛水坝战争前,凯撒军团已经在百夫长盖留斯•玛格努斯的指挥下征服了一个新的部落,将被他们征服的部落数量增加到了87个。

    Sometime before the Second Battle of Hoover Dam , the Caesar 's Legion has conquered a new tribe under the command of centurion Gaius Magnus , bringing the number to87 .

  3. Funai的初步观察表明,新发现的部落可能属于帕诺语系(Pano),该语系群体分布在巴西亚马逊地区,秘鲁以及波利维亚丛林。

    According to Funai , preliminary observation indicates the population likely belongs to the pano language group , which extends from the Brazilian Amazon into the Peruvian and Bolivian jungle .

  4. 他们都意识到,他们属于一个独特的、(可能)新的人类部落。

    All of them recognise that they belong to a distinct and possibly new human tribe .

  5. 在非洲草原上的原始人还在进化着的年代,那些不断试图尝试新视野的部落们繁荣起来。

    When Homo sapiens evolved on the African Savannah , the ones with a penchant for trying new horizons prospered .

  6. 最新推出的部落版可以建立多达300人的部落,并且具有不限容量的文件共享能力。

    Latest the tribe version release can the establishment reach to300 more people 's tribe , and have the document of unlimited capacity share ability .

  7. 新发现的部落位于与秘鲁边境接壤的亚马逊野猪谷保留地,其面积与葡萄牙相当,并且是至少14个原始部落的聚居地。

    The community is near the border with Peru in the massive Vale do Javari reservation , which is nearly the size of Portugal and is home to at least 14 uncontacted tribes .

  8. 三年前清教徒还未来到这里时,欧洲渔民和定居者就曾带来了一场瘟疫,新英格兰地区的所有部落都遭逢此难,96%的居民因此丧生。

    Three years before the Pilgrims arrived , European fisherman and settlers had introduced a plague that had swept through the tribes of coastal New England and wiped out nearly ninety-six percent of the entire population .