
  • 网络Journalism and Communication;Journalism and Mass Communications
  1. 论新闻与传播心理学的研究对象

    On the Research Object of Journalism and Communication Psychology

  2. 关于新闻与传播教育的四个问题

    Four Problems in Journalism and Communication Education

  3. 首先,在传播的观念上要做到胸怀全球,以全球的视野把握经济新闻与传播事业的发展;

    First of all , should undertake the global vision in mind ;

  4. 加拿大西门菲沙大学传播学院;武汉大学新闻与传播学院;

    Zhao Yuezhi : associate professor , School of Communication , Simon Fraser University ;

  5. 杨洸:暨南大学新闻与传播学院教师。

    Yang Guang : Teacher in the School of Journalism & Communication , Jinan University .

  6. 企业与媒体之间关系&新闻与传播学知名学者李希光讲授企业怎样与媒体打交道

    Communication between Enterprises and Media groups

  7. 张微:武汉大学新闻与传播学院副教授,从事广告传播研究。

    Zhang Wei : Associate Professor , School of Journalism & Communication , Wuhan University , majoring in advertisement .

  8. 朱顺慈,香港中文大学新闻与传播学院助理教授。

    Donna Shun-Chi CHU is Assistant Professor of School of Journalism and Communication , Chinese University of Hong Kong .

  9. 邹莹(1977~),女,武汉大学新闻与传播学院研究生。

    Zou Ying ( 1977 ~), female , Master candidate , School of Journalism & Communication , Wuhan University .

  10. 朱梓烨:武汉大学新闻与传播学院硕士研究生,主要从事新闻理论研究。

    Zhu Ziye : A.M. , School of Journalism & Communication , Wuhan University , majoring in theories of journalism .

  11. 章俊:武汉大学新闻与传播学院博士生,研究广告传播。

    Rao Dejiang : professor , School of Journalism & Communication , Wuhan University , majoring in communication and advertisement .

  12. 26岁的陈欢欢于2009年考上了南方一所大学的新闻与传播学专业的研究生。

    Chen Huanhuan , 26 , enrolled in the postgraduate school of journalism and communication at a university in South China in 2009 .

  13. 全球化的到来使跨文化传播成为国内外新闻与传播领域研究的热门课题。

    Intercultural Communication has become a hot topic in the field of Journalism and Communication both at home and abroad by the appearance of globalization .

  14. 成都理工大学广播影视学院、四川师范大学新闻与传播学院等其他四个高校巡展活动分会场也同时组织开展了活动。

    At the same time , the show was also screened in4 schools including Sichuan University of science and engineering , News and Journalism college of Sichuan Normal University .

  15. 反事实思维两大理论:范例说和目标-指向说美国新闻与传播教育的认证指标:设定价值取向和教育目标

    Two Theories in Counterfactual Thinking : Norm Theory Perspective and Goal-Directed Perspective ; An Introduction of the Accreditation Standards on Education in Journalism and Mass Communication in the USA

  16. 美国新闻与传播教育的认证指标:设定价值取向和教育目标小学、中学和高等教育服务属政府定价的范围。

    An Introduction of the Accreditation Standards on Education in Journalism and Mass Communication in the USA Primary , secondary and higher education services were subject to government pricing .

  17. 我是学新闻与传播的,我学到过一个词儿叫“真人秀”&说的就是这种娱乐节目。

    I major in the " Journalism and Communication ", in my learning process , I come arcoss a term " reality TV " & refer to those entertainment TV programs .

  18. 清华大学新闻与传播学院的副院长陈昌凤强调了微博上的两类主要不良品行,它们可能会扰乱年轻用户。

    Chen Changfeng , deputy director of the School of Journalism and Communication at Tsinghua University , highlighted two major types of misbehavior that can occur on micro blogs and upset young users .

  19. 北京大学新闻与传播学院教授程曼丽表示,尽管尊重逝者是“最基本的要求”,但同时她也指出,广电协会不能强迫郭德纲道歉。

    Cheng Manli , a media professor at Peking University , said respecting the dead " is a basic requirement " but explained that the association cannot compel Guo to provide an apology .

  20. 尹韵公,男,中国社会科学院新闻与传播研究所所长,研究员,博士生导师,博士,主要从事新闻史研究。

    Yin yungong , male , doctor , doctoral supervisor , research fellow-professor , leader of Institute of Journalism and communication , Chinese Academy of social science , majoring in the history of journalism .

  21. 夏伟先生是哥伦比亚大学东亚研究所、南加州大学安纳伯格新闻与传播学院以及美国对外关系委员会的研究员和成员。

    He is a Fellow at the Weatherhead East Asian Institute at Columbia University , a Senior Fellow at the Annenberg School of Communications at USC and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations .

  22. 西方新闻与大众传播理论表述活动的历史与逻辑

    The History and Logic of the Expressions in the Western Journalism and Mass communication Theory

  23. 美国式的研究才是高质量的研究?&浅谈新闻与大众传播研究方式

    Only " American-Style Research " is High Level Research ? On Research Approaches of Journalism and Mass Communication Studies

  24. 90年代以来小说的文体演变呈现出向新闻与大众传播叙事倾斜的现象。

    There is a phenomenon that fictions have inclined to narrating modes of news and mass communication since 1990 's.

  25. 笔者则运用学科文化定义的框架对物理学(硬-精纯)、机械科学(硬-应用)、历史学(软-精纯)和新闻与信息传播学(软-应用)的学科文化进行了调查和描述。

    Four typical disciplinary culture are investigated and described by four layers of disciplinary culture definition , they are physics ( hard-pure ), mechanical science and engineering ( hard-applied ), history ( soft-pure ) and journalism and information communication ( soft-applied ) .

  26. 华中科技大学新闻与信息传播学院讲师熊硕表示,华中科技大学科技课程--游戏研究导论,将于明年9月开课,并将从学术角度解读游戏。

    Huazhong University of Science and Technology 's course -- introduction to game studies -- will be available from September next year and will interpret games from an academic perspective , said Xiong Shuo , a lecturer at the university 's School of Journalism and Information Communication .

  27. 新闻专业主义与网络传播&以三鹿事件为例

    Journal Professionalism and Net Communication & Based on the Sanlu Case

  28. 新闻与记忆:传播史研究的文化取径

    News and Memory : A Cultural Approach to Communication History

  29. 因此,研究新闻策划与新闻传播环境的契合关系,是研究新闻策划的重要逻辑支点。

    So , research on correspondence of news scheme and situation of newscast takes a role of logic in news scheme .

  30. 新媒体正在改变社会生活的方方面面,这其中之一就是新闻的写作与传播。

    The new media is changing the social life and involving many factors . One of them is news ' writing and communication .