
  • 网络New energy material
  1. 随着全球能源和资源的日益短缺,开发新能源材料成为当今世界的一大热点。

    With the growing shortage of global energy and resources , the development of new energy material has become the focus of worldwide attention .

  2. 保利协鑫将秉承“把绿色能源带进生活”的理念,持续提供全球领先的新能源材料与优质高效的能源服务,缔造人类更绿、更美的未来。

    Aiming to " Bringing Green Power to Life ", GCL will continue to provide world 's leading new energy material , high-quality energy service to build a greener and brighter future .

  3. 硅酸盐燃料&一种尚待探索与开发的洁净新能源材料

    Silicate Fuel & A Exploring and Developing Material for Clean-New Sources of Energy

  4. 论述了贮氢材料作为新能源材料的最新研究和发展概况,系统地比较了多种贮氢材料的性能。

    The article reviewed the latest progress and the development outline of hydrogen storage materials in energy application area , and compared those properties recently declared materials .

  5. 新能源材料介绍了非晶硅太阳能电池材料、高密度贮氢材料、高温工程陶瓷材料、超导材料;

    Sensitive materials for transducers and optical fibre ; materials for new energy include noncrystalline siliceous material for solar battery ; high density material for hydrogen storage ;

  6. 热电材料是一种通过固体内部载流子运动可直接将热能转化成电能,反之可以利用电能制冷的新能源材料。

    Thermoelectric material is a kind of energy materials which can convert heat to electricity directly or use electricity to cooling through the motion of internal carrier .

  7. 国家正在加大力气发展能源节约,和环境保护,新能源材料,生物医学和高端设备的成产这些领域的工业。

    The country would make great efforts to develop such industries as energy conservation and environmental protection , new energy and materials , biomedicine , and high-end equipment manufacturing .

  8. 锂离子电池材料作为新能源材料中的一种,因其比能量大、输出电压平稳、自放电少、无记忆效应、绿色环保以及耐用性强等优势引起人们的关注。

    Lithium ion battery , as one of the new energy sources , has large specific energy , stable output voltage , low self-discharge , no memory effect , green environmental protection as well as the durability strong advantage and so on .

  9. 产业涉及时尚产业、新能源新材料、投资、园区开发、国际贸易五大板块,旗下拥有B和C两家上市公司。

    Industry related fashion industry , new energy and new materials , investment , park development , international trade five major sections , B and C owns two listed companies .

  10. 外部性影响因素包括:政府支持、市场变动、新能源新材料、公众压力、法律制度、经济支持等6个。

    Exterior factors include government sustainment , market fluctuation , new energy resource and new materials , public consciousness pressure , legal system and local regulation , and economic assistance .

  11. 产业主要集中在新能源、新材料、自动化设备和LED四大领域。

    The company mainly specializes in the business of new energy , novel material , automation equipments and LED .

  12. 新能源、新材料、生物医药、高端装备制造、新能源汽车快速发展。

    We accelerated development of new energy , new materials , biomedicines , high-end equipment manufacturing and new-energy vehicles .

  13. 计划涉及应用于电子、信息、稀土金属、新能源、复合材料和高能量工程塑料的材料。

    Projects will cover materials used in electronics , information , rare-earth metal , new energy , compound materials and high-capacity engineering plastics .

  14. 信息、生物、航空航天、新能源、新材料、海洋等高新技术产业加快发展。

    Development of new and high technology industries in information , biology , aerospace , new energy sources , new materials and oceanography was accelerated .

  15. 表面工程产业化在航空、航天、新能源、新材料、环保与资源循环中得到迅速发展。

    Surface engineering gets a quick development in the aviation , aerospace , new energy , new material , environmental protection and resources circulation industries .

  16. 导电纸可广泛应用于防静电包装、电磁屏蔽、面状发热体、新能源和电化学材料、传感和致动材料等领域。

    Conductive papers can be applied in antistatic packaging , electromagnetic shielding , planar heating element , new energy and electrochemical materials , sensors and actuators extensively .

  17. 要大力发展新能源、新材料、节能环保、生物医药、信息网络和高端制造产业。

    We need to vigorously develop new energy sources , new materials , energy conservation , environmental protection , biomedicine , information networks , and high-end manufacturing industries .

  18. 当今世界,高新技术发展迅速,以新能源、新材料、信息技术、生物工程等为代表的高新技术日臻成熟。

    Nowadays , the rapid development of high-tech , high-tech , such as new energy , new materials , information technology , bio-engineering , etc. represented is matured .

  19. 以锂为代表的盐湖资源在新能源、新材料、IT技术、冶金、环保、军工等领域中有着广泛的应用。

    The lithium , on behalf of saline resources , is widely used in the new energy sources , new material , IT technology , metallurgy , environmental protection , war industry etc.

  20. 面临越来越激烈的国际竞争,同时也为更好地贯彻可持续发展战略我国将发展新能源、新材料、新医药、节能环保等战略性新兴产业作为经济增长的动力。

    Facing the increasingly fierce international competition and the strategy of sustainable development , our country will develop new energy sources , new materials , new medicine , energy saving and environmental protection as the driving force of economic growth .

  21. 要实施高端装备、信息网络、集成电路、新能源、新材料、生物医药、航空发动机、燃气轮机等重大项目,把一批新兴产业培育成主导产业。

    We will launch major projects to develop high-end equipment , information networks , integrated circuits , new energy , new materials , biomedicines , aero engines , and gas turbines , helping a number of emerging industries to become leading ones .

  22. 新能源及新能源材料是这两大技术的重要组成部分,对我国发展成为重要。

    New energy and materials are the two critical parts of this technology , which is vital to the development of our country .

  23. 因此,发展新能源及新能源材料是我国进入21世纪必须解决的重大课题。

    Hence , to develop new energy and new energy-materials is a great task that should to be achieved in the 21st century .

  24. 大力发展高端装备制造、节能环保、生物医药、新能源汽车、新材料等产业。

    We will energetically develop the high-end equipment manufacturing , energy conservation , environmental protection , biopharmaceuticals , new-energy vehicles , and new materials industries .

  25. 质子交换膜作为新能源领域的关键材料之一,主要用于燃料电池和各类液流电池。

    As one of the key materials in the field of new energy , ion exchange membranes are mainly used in fuel cells and different types of flow batteries .

  26. 在世博园区中,新技术、新创意、新能源、新材料被大量采用。

    In the Expo area , new technologies , new ideas , new energy , new materials are being extensively used .

  27. 与之相应的是,十二五规划强调了七大产业的重要性:节能环保、新一代信息技术、生物、高端装备制造、新能源、新材料和新能源汽车。

    Accordingly , the 12th five-year plan highlights the importance of the magic seven industries : energy saving and environmental protection , next generation information technology , biotechnology , high-end manufacturing , new energy , new materials , and clean-energy vehicles .

  28. 同时,我们将加快培育和发展战略性新兴产业。现阶段重点培育和发展节能环保、新一代信息技术、生物、高端设备制造、新能源、新材料、新能源汽车等产业。

    At the same time , we will accelerate the development of strategic emerging industries , with priority given to energy conservation , environmental protection , new generation of information technology , biotechnology , advanced equipment manufacturing , new energy , new materials and new energy powered automobile .

  29. 深化大数据、人工智能等研发应用,培育新一代信息技术、高端装备、生物医药、新能源汽车、新材料等新兴产业集群,壮大数字经济。

    We will strengthen R & D and the application of big data and artificial intelligence technologies , foster clusters of emerging industries like next-generation information technology , high-end equipment , biomedicine , new-energy automobiles , and new materials , and expand the digital economy .

  30. 现代电动车集光、机、电化领域的最新技术于一体,是汽车、电力拖动、电控、化学、计算机、新能源、新材料等工程技术中最新成果的集中产物。

    Modern EV was centralized outcome in the newest production of auto , power drag , power control , chemistry , new energy sources , new material and computer .