
  • 网络The University of New England;Une;New England University
  1. 澳大利亚新英格兰大学(UniversityofNewEngland)的人类进化学专家彼得•布朗(PeterBrown)表示:有关尼安德特人与现代人之间进化关系的问题,现在可以重新集中到决定身体差异的基因基础上来。

    Questions of the evolutionary relationship between Neanderthals and modern humans can now refocus on the genetic basis of the physical differences , said Peter Brown , a human evolution expert at the University of New England in Australia .

  2. 新英格兰大学的IT部门与凯捷咨询公司通力合作,描绘出了增量采用SOA的路线图。

    Working with their partner , Collaborative Consulting , the University 's IT department outlined a roadmap for incremental adoption of SOA .

  3. 斐陶斐荣誉学会后来扩展到新英格兰地区的大学里。

    Phi Beta Kappa spread to colleges throughout New England .

  4. 新英格兰的克拉克大学为学生提供当地特产和乳制品,并有可以免费咨询的营养师。

    Clark University in New England serves local produce and dairy , and has a nutritionist on staff who students can meet with free of charge .

  5. 麻省大学成立于1863年,是马萨诸塞州唯一的州立大学,也是新英格兰地区最大的大学。

    The University of Massachusetts was founded in1863.It is the only state university in Massachusetts , and it is the largest university in New England .