
  • Yu Jun;【人名】Jun Yu
  1. GPS导航仪自动化程度高、操纵简单、功能强、定位精度高,广泛应用于军、民舰船海上航行导航保障。

    GPS navigator has been widely applied for the security of navigation in navy and civil ships due to its features of high automation , simple operation , strong function , and high positioning precision .

  2. 红外成像技术被广泛的应用于军、民等各个领域。

    Infrared imaging technology is widely used in military and civilian .

  3. 中关村:以数字技术带动创意产业&访海淀区副区长于军

    Zhongguancun : To Promote Creative Industry by Digital Technology

  4. 以上结果已经应用于军航管制中心系统与休斯系统交互网关中,该系统已成为军队的航管自动化值班系统,为我国空管系统现代化发挥着重要作用。

    Technologies above had been used in a practical system , the system act an important role in air traffic control of our country .

  5. 佤联军拒绝屈服于军政府要求改编为一个缅军控制下的边防卫队。

    The UWSA had refused to bow to government demands that it transform into a Border Guard Force and come under the control of Naypyidaw .

  6. 将高速热敏打印机应用于军字1号工程中,打印各种清单速度成倍提高,并且打印格式规范、美观,降低耗才成本。

    By applying pos printer to " No 1 Military " project the speed of printing listing has increased several fold , format is criterion and beautiful , the cost is reduced .

  7. 成立于1997年9月的××实业(集团)公司,是中国电子科技集团公司××研究所投资的全资高科技企业,致力于军民用产品的研发、生产。

    ×× corporation , founded in Sep 1997 , is a high-tech enterprise exclusively invested by China Electronic Technology Group Co. ( CETC ), which committed to the R & D and production of military and civilian products .