
  • 网络Xinjiang railway
  1. 21世纪新疆铁路运输发展战略与对策

    Development strategy of Xinjiang Railway Traffic in 21st century and Its Countermeasures

  2. 随着西部大开发,新疆铁路进入快速发展时期。

    With western development , Xinjiang Railway has entered a rapid development period .

  3. 新疆铁路运输与可持续发展

    Study on the railway transport and sustainable development in Xinjiang

  4. 从新疆铁路人口和死因调查看今后卫生防病的新任务

    Viewing on future hygienic and disease preventing task based on survey of

  5. 堆石混凝土施工技术在新疆铁路及公路挡土墙工程中的应用

    Application of rock-filled concrete technology in railway and highway project of Xinjiang

  6. 近代新疆铁路规划述论

    On the Project of Xinjiang Railway in Modern Times

  7. 新疆铁路运输的骨干作用及发展对策

    The Role of Xinjiang Railway Transportation as Backbone and the Counter-Measurements for Its Development

  8. 新疆铁路大风监测系统

    Railway Gale Monitoring System in Xinjiang

  9. 普通反渗透膜在新疆铁路沿线高含盐量苦咸水淡化中的应用研究

    Application Study of Ordinary Reverse Osmosis Membrane in Desalinating Performance of Xinjiang Railway High Content Blackish Water

  10. 新疆的铁路修建工作目前仍在继续,预计2013年投入运营,届时可运送更多煤炭北京英语口译。

    Xinjiang sits on40 % of national coal reserves and work is continuing for a rail line to ship more of it east starting in2013 .

  11. 最早的线路之一就是渝新欧铁路,即重庆-新疆-欧洲国际铁路,这条连接重庆和杜伊斯堡的铁路于2011年开通。

    One of the first lines was the YuXinOu , or Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe International Railway , launched in 2011 , linking Chongqing and Duisburg .

  12. 新疆是我国西部的重要省区,铁路运输是新疆与外界进行货物运输的主要方式,但新疆铁路存在货物运输停时过长的问题。

    However , Xinjiang railway carriage of goods by the problem of excessive stopping time , the paper analyzes the reasons for long stopping time , and put forward solutions .

  13. 新疆开通第二条从新疆出发的高速铁路。

    Xinjiang has launched a second outbound high-speed railway route from the region .