
  1. 上海合作组织成立5周年来的历程表明,它已成为世人普遍关注且发展前景广阔的新兴国际组织。

    The course of Shanghai Cooperation Organization after its founding 5 years ago proves that it has become a newly emerging international organization that attracts worldwide attention and opens up vast vistas .

  2. 与欧美一些艺术中心城市和老牌的国际艺术展会相比较,北京、上海等地的中国艺术现场属于新兴国际舞台。

    Compared with the mature American and European art centers and related art fairs , China 's new art scenes , including those in Beijing and Shanghai , are emerging platforms for art .

  3. 战略联盟是企业获取竞争优势、实现快速成长的一种重要战略,也是西方成功企业进入新兴国际市场最为广泛使用的成长方式。

    The strategic alliance is one of most important strategy for corporation to taking competitive advantage and keeping rapid development . It also is one of most extensive used models to enter international market for Western Corporation .

  4. 金融市场一体化迅速向全球扩张,一大批新兴国际金融市场崛起,全球性金融中心、地区性金融中心和大批离岸金融市场构成一个覆盖全球的金融网络。

    The integration of the financial market extends to world and a lot of newly international financial markets are rising . The global financial center , regional financial center and many off-shore financial markets constitute a global financial network covering the world .

  5. IMF还警告称,资产管理公司可能会加剧新兴市场国际资金流入流出的波动性。

    It also warns asset managers can exacerbate the volatility of international capital flows into and out of emerging markets .

  6. 新兴市场国际资本逆转问题的观察与分析

    Analysis of the International Capital Inflow Reverse in the Emerging Markets

  7. 结构性衍生工具与新兴市场国际资本流动中的集体非理性

    Structured Derivatives and Collective Irrationality in International Capital Flows to Emerging Markets

  8. 新兴古典国际贸易理论则以专业化分工来解释贸易。

    New Classical theory explains the trade by specialization .

  9. 电子商务是一种新兴的国际贸易交易方式,它同传统的交易方式存在着诸多不同,许多在传统国际贸易中轻而易举就可以解决的问题在电子商务中却变得相当复杂。

    Comparing with the traditional international trade type , EDI shows many new aspects .

  10. 过去10年中,至少有3方面的重大进展显示了中国新兴的国际影响力。

    The past decade has seen at least three major developments that demonstrate china 's burgeoning global power .

  11. 独立担保是一种新兴的国际融资担保形式,它具有独立性、单据性、付款责任的第一性等特点。

    As an emerging and modern form of international financing suretyship , independent guarantee is independent , documentary , irrevocable and of certainty .

  12. 作为一种新兴的国际融资服务工具,福费廷具有独特的风险防范功能,在促进出口的同时将风险降至最低。

    Forfaiting is a new species of international trade finance , which is an inventive means used to facilitate exports with least possible risk .

  13. 一种新兴的国际贸易方式即绿色贸易呈迅速发展之势,并必将成为国际贸易的主流方式。

    A newly emerging mode of international trade , namely , the mode of green trade , presents a rapid development trend . It will become a mainstream mode in international trade .

  14. 实际上旅游冲突法所应具备的灵活、开放的特点代表了冲突法的现代化发展方向,并为一些新兴的国际私法理论提供着实证支持。

    In fact , the facile and open characteristics of the conflict of the travel laws represents the orientation of the modern conflict of laws , and supplies the pragmatic verdict for the new international private law theory .

  15. 在曾是奢侈品牌业绩亮点的新兴市场,国际货币基金组织在《世界经济展望》(WorldEconomicOutlook)中指出,“各个新兴市场国家的经济增长前景仍然参差不齐,增长势头总体而言弱于过去二十年。”

    In emerging markets - previously bright spots for luxury brands - " prospects across countries remain uneven and generally weaker than over the past two decades , " the IMF 's World Economic Outlook reported .

  16. 挪威国家石油公司艺术项目的艺术史学家兼顾问BjarneVaaga让公司把目光投向挪威新兴艺术家以及国际艺术家。

    Bjarne Vaaga , an art historian and consultant with the Statoil Art Program , focuses on acquiring works from emerging Norwegian and international artists for the company . '

  17. 我国新兴制造业国际竞争力问题研究

    Research on International Competitiveness of New Manufacturing Industry

  18. 新兴国家、国际金融公司,以及国际机构的治理都将从中受益。

    The emerging countries , the IFC and the governance of global institutions would all gain .

  19. 本文运用跨期消费平滑模型对六个有代表性的新兴发展中国家的国际资本流动性进行测量和比较。

    This paper uses the intertemporal consumption-smoothing model to measure the international capital mobility of six representative emerging developing countries .

  20. 从长远来看,一个不包括中国、印度和其它新兴国家的国际体系显然不会管用。

    An international system that does not accommodate China , India and other new risers clearly cannot work in the long run .

  21. 在当前国际贸易形势下,我国贸易调整援助制度的立法目标应主要定位在促进自由化,提升传统产业和新兴产业的国际竞争力层面上。

    In current international trade situation , the legislative aims of the TAA legal system in our country should be anchored in enhancing the international competitiveness of traditional industry and new industry .

  22. 该政策导致美元流动性过剩、大宗商品价格大幅上涨、国际资本流动频繁、新兴市场国家国际收支失衡等现象,对其他国家尤其是新兴市场国家的经济产生了巨大的冲击。

    The policy has led to some unfavorable phenomenon like excess dollar liquidity , sharp rise in bulk commodity prices , frequent international capital flows , international payments imbalances and so on . This policy reduces the economic growth of other countries , especially emerging market countries .

  23. 英国律师和行业机构英国律师公会(lawsociety),热衷于推动英格兰法律成为中国等新兴经济体在国际商务领域的首选司法体系。

    English lawyers and the law society , their professional body , are keen to promote English law as a jurisdiction of choice for international business in leading emerging economies such as China .

  24. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)正在探讨特别提款权(SDR)这一很少用到的人为创造的储备资产、以及新兴市场货币在国际货币体系中能够发挥何种作用。

    The International Monetary Fund is exploring the role of the special drawing right ( SDR ), a little-used artificial reserve asset , and emerging markets currencies in the system .

  25. 正如与会各国上周在匹兹堡所达成的一致,G-20峰会应该成为发达的工业化国家和新兴大国之间进行国际经济合作的主要论坛。

    As agreed in Pittsburgh last week , the G-20 should become the premier forum for international economic cooperation among the advanced industrialized countries and rising powers .

  26. 通过积极参与联合项目、双边和多边方案,粮农组织代表进一步致力于解决新兴问题以及通过国际合作帮助中国应对包括季节性干旱在内的突发事件,实现千年发展目标(MDGs)和人类发展。

    By active participation in joint programs , bilateral and multi-lateral initiatives , FAOR has further contributed to the One UN efforts and international synergy in assisting China with Millennium Development Goals ( MDGs ) and human development . Responding to the latest emergencies including the seasonal droughts .

  27. 南非是新兴经济体的国际集团新成员。

    South Africa is the newest member of the international group of emerging economies .

  28. 截至2008年,新兴市场发行的国际债券有约85%以本币计价。

    By 2008 some 85 per cent of emerging market international bond issues were denominated in local currency .

  29. 随着经济实力的不断增强,新兴市场国家在国际市场扮演的角色越来越重要,也获得了更多的话语权。

    With the growing strength of the economy , the emerging market countries have more right to speak .

  30. 相应地,新兴市场持有的国际金融资产也从略高于5万亿美元增长至近8万亿美元。

    For emerging markets , the comparable rise is from a little over $ 5000bn to close to $ 8000bn .