
  1. 新型盒式房屋的设计计算与试点实践

    Design Computation and Pilot Work of the New - type Box - shaped Living Quarters

  2. 无柱帽板柱结构作为一种新型的房屋结构形式,在工程实践中应用不多,尤其是在地震区的使用就更少。

    The slab column structure without column cap which is a new type of building structure has not been used usually in engineering practice , especially rarely applied in earthquake regions .

  3. 选用新型建筑材料减轻房屋结构重量

    Choosing new type of building materials to decrease building structures weight

  4. 本实用新型可用于新建房屋,也适用于旧房屋排水管道的改装。

    The utility model is suitable for building new houses and refitting the draining pipes of the old houses .