
  1. 去年,中国实现了消除绝对贫困的目标,进入了新发展阶段。

    Last year , China accomplished its goal of eliminating extreme poverty and entered a new development stage .

  2. 进入新发展阶段、贯彻新发展理念、构建新发展格局,形成全国统一大市场和畅通的国内大循环,促进南北方协调发展,需要水资源的有力支撑。

    Strong support of water resources is needed as the nation enters a new development stage , implements growth between northern and southern China .

  3. 为了迎接新发展阶段的挑战,中国将推动“双循环”发展模式,从而在未来数年保持经济增长,积蓄内需和外贸的实力。

    China is pushing a " dual circulation " development pattern to sustain growth in the coming years , building up strength in both domestic demand and foreign trade to meet challenges in a new development stage .

  4. 决策支持系统(DecisionSupportSystem,简称DSS)是信息系统研究的最新发展阶段,已成为系统工程与计算机应用领域中的重要研究课题之一。

    Decision Support System ( DDS ) represents one of the latest reflections of research on information system and it has become a key research agenda in system engineering and computer applications .

  5. 知识管理理论是MIS理论在知识经济环境下的新发展阶段。

    Knowledge Management System ( KMS ) is a new stage of the theory of Management Information System ( MIS ) under the knowledge economy .

  6. DSS是当前信息系统研究的最新发展阶段,DSS的各类研究成果为各级各类决策提供了科学的方法和依据,因此DSS成为软科学中的一个重要分支。

    Decision support system is the higher period in the study of information system . The research achievement of DSS provides the science theory and method for all kinds of decisions . DSS has become one of the important parts in the soft science .

  7. 并结合核心竞争力理论对其核心能力的分析研究,依据现代企业管理理论,设计制定了适合SY公司在新发展阶段的发展战略,并初步规划了战略实施方案和控制措施。

    At the same time , according to the Theory of Core Capability of Enterprise , to analysis it core capability . Finally , Basis for the Theory of modern enterprise development strategy , designed Development Strategy for SY Company in the new stage of development .

  8. 这标志着中美关系进入了一个新发展阶段。

    This will mark a mew stage of development in China-US relations .

  9. 20世纪90年代以来,网络环境的形成和飞速发展导致了图书馆的管理和服务最深刻的变革和发展,将图书馆推进到网络化的新发展阶段的同时,也提出了许多新的问题和挑战。

    Since the later of 1990s , the fast development of networking environment has a dramatic impact on the management and the service of library .

  10. 学生因此也往往偏重于语法和词汇学习,疏忽了对交际能力的培养,并且对英语听说技能缺乏学习动机。多媒体辅助的语言学习是计算机辅助语言学习的最新发展阶段。

    Consequently , EFL learners tend to prioritize grammar and vocabulary over cultivation of communicative competence and lack motivation in listening and oral English learning .

  11. 在按农业生产力的性质和状况划分的农业发展史上,现代农业是最新发展阶段的农业。

    In according to the condition of the nature of the agricultural productivity and the division of agricultural history , agriculture is the latest stage of development .

  12. 现场总线控制系统代表了自动化监控系统的最新发展阶段。本文通过对比国内外几种重要的现场总线技术,提出了以CAN总线来构建发射机监控系统的方案。

    In this paper , by comparing several important domestic and international field bus technology , I put forward to using CAN bus to build a transmitter control system program .

  13. 其中,以叙事的多幅或连环卡通漫画最为盛行,因代表着当代漫画的新发展阶段,与传统漫画有着截然不同的形态,所以又称新漫画。

    Herein , the most popular one is narrative and several cartoons , which represents the new development stage of contemporary comic , and is the totally different from traditional cartoons . It is called new comics .

  14. 因此,随着企业日益趋于管理项目化,作为项目管理的新发展阶段的多项目管理正在成为项目管理研究和实践的新方向和热点。

    Therefore , as enterprises increasingly tend to manage the project , as a new phase of development of project management of multi-project management , project management is becoming the new direction of research and practice , and hot spots .

  15. 中国经济已进入以扩大内需为主的新发展阶段,从可持续发展计,保持经济持续、快速和健康发展,必须把已出现的低生育水平稳定住。

    China 's economy has been coining into a new development stage that the domestic demands pull . Taking into account sustainable development strategy , we must stabilize low fertility rate in order to keep up economic development sustained , quick and sound .

  16. 随着我国进入社会主义市场经济的新发展阶段,社会正经历着观念与制度的深刻转型,各类金融诈骗犯罪亦成为转型期的副产品,而贷款诈骗犯罪更是其中的表表者。

    The crime of loan swindling is " fraud " in nature , seeking embezzlement of loans from the financial institutions through fraud means . In the period of economic and society transformation , crime of loan swindling is one of the important crime forms in China .

  17. 加入WTO后,我国的经济和社会进入了新的发展阶段。

    After joining WTO , economy of our country and society entered into new development stage .

  18. 中国进入WTO后,服务领域更加开放,快递市场将进入新的发展阶段。

    China entered into WTO , service areas more open , express the market will enter a new stage of development .

  19. 去年我省人均GDP已超过1000美元,进入了一个新的发展阶段。

    Last year the average GDP of per person has surpassed 1000 US dollars in Henan province , which entered a new seedtime .

  20. 随着中国加入WTO,我国对外贸易进入了一个新的发展阶段,也是一个机遇与挑战并存的阶段。

    Along with the joining in WTO , the foreign trade of China goes into a new seedtime , as well as a seedtime together with opportunities and challenges .

  21. 在参数化基础上发展起来的全柔性化CAD技术为CAD技术领域引进了全新的概念,它将CAD技术提高到一个新的发展阶段。

    The fully flexible CAD technology developed on the parameter base has led CAD technology to a quite new concept and promote the CAD to a new developing stage .

  22. 但传统的B/S应用程序由于HTML的限制,已不能满足用户体验的要求,因而Web应用程序开始转入了另一个新的发展阶段&RIA。

    For the limitation of the HTML , however , the traditional B / S-based applications could no longer satisfy the user . Thus , web applications step into a new stage of development , RIA .

  23. 加入WTO后,我国纺织业和纺织企业进入了一个新的发展阶段,既面临前所未有的发展机遇,但也遭受到各种新的竞争压力。

    After entering WTO , the spinning and weaving industry and the business enterprise in our country enter in a new development time : they not just face the unprecedented development opportunity , but also suffer all kind of new competitive pressure .

  24. CALIS海南省信息服务中心的组建标志着海南省高校图书馆资源共享体系建设全面纳入了CALIS三级保障体系建设之中,从而进入一个新的发展阶段。

    The construction of CALIS information service center in Hainan province is a symbol of university library 's resources sharing system construction in Hainan province .

  25. 在当前世界经济周期剧烈波动下,国际资本流动进一步加快,由于FDI属于国际资本的主要表现形式之一,其快速流动使得我国利用FDI进入新的发展阶段。

    With the global economic cycle fluctuates dramatically , international capital flows accelerated . FDI is one of the main manifestations of international capital , which it flows rapidly , making the use of FDI in China into a new stage of development .

  26. 加入WTO,我国纺织品贸易进入了一个新的发展阶段,既给我国纺织品带来了前所未有的发展机遇,但也遭受到各种新的贸易保护和贸易壁垒。

    After joining in WTO , the textile product trade of our country entered in a new development stage , which not only brought the unprecedented opportunity to the textile product in our country , but also were protected by every kind of new trade with trade barrier .

  27. 种种迹象表明,欧元届时将进入一个新的发展阶段

    All these show that Euro will go into a new stage

  28. 长株潭城市群进入一个新的发展阶段。

    Chang-Zhu-Tan Urban Agglomeration is stepping into a new stage of development .

  29. 新经济发展阶段回顾与展望

    A Retrospect and Perspective on the Development Stages of the New Economy

  30. 论全面建设小康社会的战略与新的发展阶段

    Fully Building A Well-to-do Society and a New Development Stage