
  1. GSF胶结料是利用石膏尾矿、高炉矿渣、粉煤灰等工业废渣与少量激发剂混合配制的一种新型胶凝材料。

    The binder of GSF is a new binder made by mixing the industrial waste residue of gypsum gangue , blast furnace and fly ash with a little activator .

  2. 新型胶凝材料的特点及其比较优势

    Characteristics and Comparative Advantages of a New Cementing Material

  3. 石膏基新型胶凝材料高强耐水机理的探讨

    Research on the High-Strength and Water Resistant Mechanism of Gypsum Base New Binding Material

  4. 用活化低等级粉煤灰开发绿色新型胶凝材料的试验研究

    Experimental study on developing new green cementing materials with activated low grade fly ash

  5. 研究了一种由固体碱为激发剂制备的碱-矿渣-高钙粉煤灰渣新型胶凝材料配制的绿色高性能混凝土的渗透性、碱集料反应、工作性与抗压强度。

    A kind of green high performance concrete was manufactured and its penetration , alkali aggregate reaction , workability and strength were studied in this paper .

  6. 介绍了对低等级粉煤灰进行活化处理开发绿色新型胶凝材料的意义、技术路线、试验结果及分析。

    The significance , technical ways , experimental result and analysis of developing new green cementing material with activated low grade fly ash is introduced herein .

  7. 研究表明,这种新型胶凝材料具有孔隙率小、水化热低的特点,能够取代大坝水泥应用于大体积混凝土工程。

    This study show that this new type cementing material is characterized hy small porosity and low hydration heat and can be used in mass concrete works to replace PortIand cement for dams .

  8. 新型生态型胶凝材料在蒸养尾矿砖生产中的应用

    Application of new ecotype cementing material to production of steam curing tailing brick

  9. 应用了对尾砂有高强度固结作用的新型胶凝新材料;

    New type gelation material having high strength solidification function for tailings was applied ;

  10. 湘西金矿新型廉价胶凝材料的胶凝特性及其机理分析

    The gelling property of the cheap gelling material of Xiangxi Gold Mine and its mechanism analysis

  11. 研究结果显示磷酸粉煤灰水泥是一种有着比较广阔应用前景的新型的胶凝材料。

    Finally it is concluded that the cement of fly ash activated by phosphoric acid is a new type of cement with extensive prospect .

  12. 介绍了利用化工废石膏等工业废渣研制新型复合胶凝材料的实验室研究工作。

    Laboratory research work was introduced for the development of new cement by the use of industrial waste such as chemical waste gypsum , etc.

  13. 新型绿色复合胶凝材料制备及其性能探讨

    Preparing New Green Cementing Materials and Exploring the Properties

  14. 把脱水水泥浆与水泥熟料或硅酸盐水泥复合,可以得到一种新型的水硬性胶凝材料。

    By blending Portland cement and pulverized dehydrated cement paste , a new kink of cementing material is obtained .

  15. 同时对以阿利特-硫铝酸钙钡为主导矿物的新型高胶凝性水泥材料进行了展望。

    Finally , the developmental trends of a new type cement with Alite-Ba-bearing calcium sulphoaluminate as dominant mineral was prospected .