
  • 网络Transfer training;transferring training
  1. 国内外学者研究发现,脑卒中偏瘫患者经过一段时间的坐-站转移训练后,重心的摆动较前减少,坐-站转移需要的时间明显缩短。

    Domestic and foreign scholars found that after a period of sit-to-stand transfer training , stroke patients with hemiplegia had less swing of the center of gravity , and sit-to-stand transfer time of patients had significantly shortened .

  2. 基础训练:患儿在坐、站及行进中进行重心转移训练,共30min。

    Primary training , 30 minutes : The ADHD children shifted their gravity during sitting , standing and walking for 30 minutes .

  3. 对照组采用应用Bobath、Brunnstrum、Rood等技术对患者进行姿势摆放、异常姿势控制、体位转移、站立训练、平衡训练、步态训练及上肢功能训练和日常生活能力训练等物理治疗及作业治疗。

    Patients in the control group were given physiotherapy and occupational therapy of posture holding , abnormal posture control , posture transfer , standing exercise , balance training , gait training , upper limb training and abilities of daily living training , etc ;

  4. 在训练期可采用环境变换法、自我暗示法、精神转移法、想象训练法和模拟训练法等;

    During the training , the methods of changing circumstances of self-implication , of attention diversion , of imagination training and of imitation training can be adopted .