
zhuǎn zǎi
  • reprint sth. that has been published elsewhere;reprint;reprint sth.that has been published elsewhere;transport


zhuǎn zài
  • transport;transfer
转载 [zhuǎn zǎi]
  • [reprint sth.that has been published elsewhere;reprint] 刊登别的报刊上发表过的文章

  • 转载《光明日报》社论

  • [transport] 把一个运输工具上装载的东西卸下装到另一个运输工具上

转载[zhuǎn zǎi]
转载[zhuǎn zài]
  1. 此事经腾讯大楚网转载后,引起数千网友的关注和跟帖,其中不少人关心:离开人体后的艾滋病病毒(HIV),还能存活多久?

    Chu by a large network reprint Tencent aroused the concern of thousands of users and threads , and many of them concerned about the people : to leave the human AIDS virus ( HIV ), can survive long ?

  2. (viii)报刊转载、摘编法定许可付酬标准暂行规定(1993年8月1日)

    ( viii ) Interim Provisions of the Standard of Paying Author 's Remuneration When the Press Reprint and Extract the Published Works with the Consent by Law ( 1 August 1993 )

  3. 报界广泛转载了这一传闻。

    The rumour has been widely repeated in the press .

  4. 各报都转载了这篇报道。

    The report was reprinted in all the newspapers .

  5. 如果你的博客文章没有被人转载,Facebook等社交网站上的状态也没有人点“喜欢”的话,这种抑郁情绪就会更严重。

    This depression often deepens when you find that your blog posts have not been re-blogged , or your Facebook status updates have not been liked .

  6. 禁止未经许可转载、复制及其他侵害著作权行为。

    Transshipment without permission , copy and other behaviors that aggrieve copyright are forbidden .

  7. 未经许可不得转载由CI发布的资讯、新闻和报告。

    Redistribution of information , news and reports provided by CI is strictly prohibited .

  8. 不少大牌媒体转载了博客Goode-Reader上的这则报道。

    A bunch of big media outlets picked up the report from the blog good e-reader .

  9. DavidShukman,BBC新闻,利兹市报道。注:本篇文章英文来自普特论坛,译文属可可英语原创,未经允许,请勿转载。

    David Shukman , BBC news , in Leeds

  10. 除了转载作品的权利之外,Distribution还包括公开展示作品的权利以及对作品进行数字形式的公开演示的权利(网络广播)。

    In addition to the right to distribute work , Distribution includes the right to display the work publicly and to make digital public performances of the work ( webcasting ) .

  11. Woods表示“新研究证明人们需要PRDM12来助长其疼痛神经原”。译文属可可原创,仅供学习交流使用,未经许可请勿转载

    The new study suggests " You need PRDM12 present to grow your pain neurons , " Woods says .

  12. 每天都会有大量的Web信息在互联网上发布转载,每天都会有大量的信息资料在互联网上上传下载。

    Every day there is a large number of news published and reproduced on the Internet . Every day there are a lot of information on uploading and downloading on the Internet .

  13. 依据离散元法,应用DEM仿真软件对转载过程进行计算机仿真。

    Based on discrete element method , DEM software is applied to simulate the bulk material transfer process .

  14. 1m转载机自移机尾的结构改进

    Structure Improving of 1m Elevating Conveyor Self-advancing Tail

  15. 一时间,从路透社(Reuters)到新闻聚合网站德拉吉报道(DrudgeReport),各大媒体纷纷链接或转载该文,《赫芬顿邮报》(HuffingtonPost)还将其作为头条大力推介。

    It became the top story on huffingtonpost , and got prominent links / rewrites everywhere from Reuters to drudge .

  16. 欢迎每周三下午5:30或周二早上9:30收看Sci-tech的最新科技动态。注:本篇文章英文来自普特论坛,译文属可可英语原创,未经允许,请勿转载。

    And remember to join us on wednesday afternoon at 5:30 and Tuesday morning at 9:30 for the latest developments in Science and Technology and Sci-Tech today .

  17. 结论LbL法方法简单,可以制备出、转载较好的脂质微泡。

    Conclusion The method of LbL is simple , can be prepared , reproduced better lipid microbubbles .

  18. SharonBehnVOA新闻开罗报道。英文文本来自51VOA,译文属可可原创,仅供学习交流使用,未经许可请勿转载

    Sharon Behn VOA News Cairo .

  19. 针对选矿厂原料F2尾部粉矿皮带在转载运输过程中产生大量的粉尘,污染车间工作环境。

    Great amount of dust was produced during the load transfer at the tail of F2 powder ore belt of the concentrator and polluted the work environment .

  20. 因为Flipboard整篇整篇转载了许多出版商的文章,而且在许多情况下(这些出版商也包括TPM),但基本上没有给这些出版商任何回报。

    Because Flipboard takes whole articles from publishers and in many cases , including TPMS gives those publishers essentially nothing in return .

  21. 最初,人们认为它是由柑橘和一种苦橙杂交而来的。但是,现代基因学研究证明,它其实是柑橘和一种甜橙的杂交品种。本文转载自前十网,译者:Victoria,丸子,程程,豆儿,兔兔

    They were once thought to be a hybrid of a mandarin and a bitter orange , but modern genetic studies have confirmed that they 're a hybrid of mandarins and sweet oranges .

  22. 作者和ZWW中外网拥有版权,转载请注明出处!

    Author and ZWW Chinese and foreign net owned Copyright the , reproduced and please indicate the source .

  23. 他的文章被知名行业博客转载,他还应《福布斯》(Forbes)和《商业周刊》(BusinessWeek)之约撰写有关国际商务的文章。

    His articles were linked to by well-known industry blogs , and he was asked to write on international business topics for Forbes and BusinessWeek .

  24. SZH型梭车转载机

    Model SZH Transfer Machine for Shuttle Car

  25. EBH-120掘进机、转载机等设备组成的作业线在西峪煤矿的应用

    Application of Tunneling Line Composed by Road-header EBH-120 and Reloading Machines at Xiyu Coal Mine

  26. 介绍SZH型梭车转载机的主要技术性能参数、结构特点及其工业试验和使用情况。

    This paper presents the technical performance parameters , the structure characteristics , and its industrial test and application .

  27. 另一家报道朝鲜新闻的网站DailyNK的部分员工也是脱北者。该网站的报道经常被其他报道朝鲜国内新闻的媒体转载,而Sino-NK则专门报道朝鲜和中国的联系。

    Daily NK , another website staffed partly by North Korean defectors , is often cited by other media for news from within the country , while Sino-NK specializes in coverage of links between North Korea and China .

  28. 这篇报道最初由“CreatorsProject”网站(它是Vice.com旗下的一个博客)发布,不管双方的联系是否真的通过Instagram建立起来,这篇文章被许多顶级艺术网站和博客转载,作为Instagram日益对市场产生影响的证据。

    Whether or not the Instagram connection was accurate , the report , originally published on the Creators Project , a Vice.com blog , was republished on many top art news websites and blogs as an example of Instagram 's growing market influence .

  29. 声明:本站内容均为XTZ学习之用,请勿转载!

    Warning : This website content is using of the XTZ study , please do not reprint !

  30. 结果表明,扭矩只作用在最外层管的MWNTs的临界扭转载荷值比同样条件下扭矩按剪切薄膜力与半径成比例分布在各层上的情况的值要高。

    The result shows that the critical torque of MWNTs under torsional load applied on the outermost tube is higher than that of the same MWNTs twisted with the shear forces proportional to the radius of each layer .