
yǎng yù
  • parenting;raising;rear;nurture;upbringing;foster;bring up;nurse;breed
养育 [yǎng yù]
  • (1) [bring up]∶抚养

  • 养育子女

  • (2) [breed;foster;nurse;nurture]

  • (3) 经过抚养、教育使[人] 成长

  • (4) 饲养动物

养育[yǎng yù]
  1. 我不会在这个鬼地方养育孩子的。

    I am not going to bring up my child in this hole .

  2. 我不知道他们如何设法养育4个孩子&他们一贫如洗。

    I don 't know how they manage to bring up four children & they 're as poor as church mice .

  3. 他们采用放任自由的方法来养育子女。

    They have a laissez-faire approach to bringing up their children .

  4. 这家养育院对萨拉来说似乎是一个合适的收容之所。

    This home seemed like a good placement for Sarah .

  5. 新法令涵盖了儿童保育、养育和保护的相关内容。

    The new statute covers the care for , bringing up and protection of children

  6. 父母希望知道养育孩子长大成人的最佳方法。

    Parents want to know the best way to nurture and raise their child to adulthood

  7. 我丈夫甚至从不看我一眼。我只是个任苦任劳养育3个孩子的机器。

    My husband never even looked at me . I was just a workhorse bringing up three children .

  8. 那些年轻的父母经常讨论养育孩子的最佳方法。

    Those young parents often discuss the best way to nurture their children .

  9. 养育年幼的孩子需要更多的耐心。

    More patience is needed to rear young children .

  10. 但是,他们的养育方法却大大不同。

    Yet they are doing it quite differently .

  11. 当然,养育孩子有的时候还是有共性的。

    Children were not always raised so differently .

  12. 不同的养育方式会将孩子置于不同的发展路径,并加深社会经济的差距,尤其是考虑到教育与收入的较强关联性。

    Different upbringings set children on different paths and can deepen socioeconomic divisions , especially because education is strongly linked to earnings .

  13. 研究人员认为,世界上并无最佳的养育方式或理念;在所有收入阶层中,92%的父母认为他们在养育子女上做得不错。

    There is no best parenting style or philosophy , researchers say , and across income groups , 92 % of parents say they are doing a good job at raising their children .

  14. 他们成长的社区更可能被父母形容为不适合养育孩子,而且父母会担心他们遭枪击、挨打或参与违法活动。

    They are more likely to grow up in neighborhoods that their parents say aren 't great for raising children , and their parents worry about them getting shot , beaten up or in trouble with the law .

  15. 如果父母与子女有共同的兴趣爱好和价值观,在孩子养育方式和宗教信仰方面意见一致的话,他们可能会享受彼此的陪伴。

    If parents and children share interests and values and agree on childrearing practices and religious commitment , they are likely to enjoy each other 's company .

  16. 如果父母对女儿的离婚感到恼怒,不喜欢其新任丈夫,不赞同其养育孙辈的方式,那么他们可能不会喜欢女儿的来访。

    If parents are agreed by their daughter 's divorce , dislike her new husband , and disapprove of how she is raising their grandchildren , chances are that they are not going to enjoy her visits .

  17. 我们现在意识到家庭有多重要、离家人近点有多重要,尤其是在你自己也养育着孩子的时候。

    " We now realize how important family is and how important it is to be near them , especially when you 're raising children . "

  18. Careerbreak意为“离职长假”,此前起源于妈妈们休“离职长假”来养育子女,如今人们常借此进行个人或职业发展。

    A career break is a period of time out from employment1 . Traditionally , this was for mothers to raise children , but it is now used for people taking time out of their career for personal development and / or professional development .

  19. 近年来,人们对养育子女的态度确实发生了变化。

    Attitudes1 to parenting have really changed in recent years .

  20. ——在德里公众集会上的讲话印度这片土地养育了佛祖与甘地。

    India is the land of Buddha10 and Gandhi .

  21. 受到呵护的养育

    to have had a sheltered upbringing

  22. 有人认为“雪花一代”的特征源于父母的养育方式,特别是着重与培养自尊的养育方法。

    Some sources attribute the characteristics ascribed to Snowflake Generation to parenting methods , particularly those that focus on boosting self-esteem .

  23. 为了用你所知道的最好的方式养育我,你仍然为了我做出奉献和牺牲。

    To raise me in the best way that you knew how , and you still do to me that sacrifice and that dedication .

  24. 我的成长过程中只有你,你承担了所有责任,把一个小男孩养育成为一个令您自豪的男子汉。

    Growing up it was just the two of us , you had all the responsibility of raising young boy into a man you could be proud of .

  25. 最新调查发现,超过半数母亲和三分之一的父亲承认他们把养育孩子的点滴小事都分享在网络上。

    A new survey found that more than half of mothers and a third of fathers acknowledge that they share the ins and outs of raising their children online .

  26. 既要养育孩子又要照顾年迈父母的中年“三明治一代”情形正在发生变化。

    The " sandwich generation " of middle-aged , middle-aged children today are the first to be living in an age where a four - or five-generation family is becoming commonplace .

  27. 它们在南极地区凶险的严冬时节繁殖,但它们需要九个月稳固的海冰来养育幼鸟,这意味着帝企鹅的前途未卜。

    They breed right in the middle of the ferocious2 Antarctic winter , but their need for nine months of stable sea-ice on which to bring up their young means they face an uncertain future .

  28. 国家采取财政、税收、保险、教育、住房、就业等支持措施,减轻家庭生育、养育、教育负担。

    The country will roll out more supportive measures in terms of finance , taxation , insurance , education , housing and employment , to ease the burden on families in terms of childbearing , childcare and education .

  29. 你曾有个梦想成为成为一名专业的运动员,然后你怀上了我。你不得不做出选择。你知道不可以二者兼得,于是为了养育我而放弃了那个梦想。

    You had a dream to become a professional athlete , and then you got pregnant with me . You had to choose . You knew you could 't do both , and you gave it up to raise me .

  30. 低温和VC对笼养育成蛋鸭生产性能及性成熟的影响

    Effects of cold stress and vitamin C on growth performance and sexual maturity of laying ducks of growing period in cage